It’s almost the end of day 11 and here I sit, in the back seat. Vicki is driving and although she and Val now have the concept of “sun sets in the west”, she isn’t real sure what state we are traveling through,. She is trying to convince us that, because we are driving west and into the sunset, we gain an extra hour of daylight… Explaining the speed of light, rotation of the earth in comparison to the speed of our “Mother Ship” just isn’t worth it right now… it’s her bubble, we’ll let her live there until it gets dark. We really should have paid more attention in geography class, all of us aren’t sure in what order we cross through east coast states unless we have a map right in front of us. I won’t be confessing that to my grandsons anytime soon. We’ve been through Pennsylvania,, Ohio and now are buzzing through Illinois. We think. We will change from Eastern to Central time in a little bit… gaining one of the 3 hours we’ve lost in our travels.
Traveling cross country in a van/car is, to my surprise, different than a plane… there is no ‘van lag” that you can complain about. You can’t sleep it off… there’s no time. You are either driving to a destination, unloading, loading, walking dogs, feeding dogs, eating, peeing or laughing. Yes, Laughing… Val and Vicki have taken care of it all. I decided early on that would be the case. No one has the patience for 3 women wanting to do it all their way. We all have different styles and experience levels and me being the bottom rung of the dog show experience ladder, bows to their experience and takes their instruction. Besides, I’m not alpha girl in this pack and they don’t want me to change, not right now. If, however, something would to happen, I’d be the level head
The time has gone remarkably fast. As I mentioned before, there’s been little time for reflecting on anything other than baser needs and travel… sheer survival of the seatbelt crew. The first night in Twin Falls, Idaho was our first KOA experience. It was bitterly cold when we arrived. Val found a note from the manager with instructions on which cabin we were to inhabit. Although there was a wall heater in this rustic cabin, it wasn’t functioning. Thank Goodness for Kmart, I purchased an inexpensive jacket before we left Portland, otherwise I would have frozen to death. The cabin was adorable, wood logs finished with a shiny, thick coat of varithane, Moving very quickly, to make sure your blood didn’t freeze in your veins; walk dogs, bed them down, unload our :”in and out” equipment. Floss, brush, whatever and dive into the covers, fully clothed. No jimmies tonight, we didn’t want to wake up to Val or Vicki-sicles in the morning.
The east coast turnpikes have wonderful stops called ‘”Travel Plaza”. Beautifully maintained quick in and out potty breaks,, cups of ice, junk food coffee shops (yes Dena, there are Starbucks in some) souvenir and quick marts/ Truly the weary traveler’s answer to all their dreams, most of the time. One night we stopped at one of these marvels to potty dogs and, more importantly, ourselves. Note to self: using short-legged, aging body as a human wishbone getting out of the side door exit of the van causes dangerous giggling fit and uncontrolled body noises and functions not typically desirable in public areas.
After letting the dogs do their usual thing us girls quickly moved to the restrooms to finish what we had started in the parking lot. We each chose different sections of the bathroom; I was alone in my section with the exception of a woman standing by the sinks, back to me, chatting on her cell phone in a foreign language. Now, being a good responsible girl. I am always careful to use the facilities offered to assure the plumbing is never over-taxed by improper disposal of “items”. As I was trying to “deposit” one of these items into the receptacle I noticed something was array. I pulled my hand away from the small depository door and tried again. Yes, my first glance was correct!! There was no depository, it was handy door between the stalls!! Furthermore, there were a pair of shoes, complete with feet, standing on the porcelain stool in the stall next to me!! That pretty much did it or me… I quickly did what I had to do to escape that scary place. I’m don’t care to know the whole story or even what that woman was talking about on her cell phone… just a bit too much info