I had such a wonderful time, I am trying to figure out when we can have another terrific adventure.....Montgomery? Could it be avoidance of the gargantuan pile of laundry, list of chores, weeds taller than roses, finishing unpacking the motorhome?
I think it is simply appreciation of being able to spend time with some pretty amazing people, feeling gratification for a safe trip, no breakdowns, accomplishing my showing goals for Hattie.
Thanks everyone.
Northwest Paws Across America is the blog of a group of friends doing things with our dogs! We travel across America doing conformation, agility, earth dog, obedience and rally. Follow our adventures here!
We are Betsy Peet, Dena Wolfe, Val Perry, Vicki Havlik, Casey DePriest
Friday, June 29, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
There are a bunch of drafts. I wonder if you think you have posted them and they are in the drafts.
Pats Girls
The picture that came with no text was from me. I pushed the wrong button. Those are Pat's girls as we fondly called them. It was Cece, Maisie (a real sweet heart), Daisy, Bella and of course the grande dame, Elizabeth. It was nice to see the "newbies" as they became more used to the showing. Each grew in her own way. Several got some first place ribbons and Bella even got a major under her belt. (Her mom was there to see that.) I know how hard it was for the other families to send off thier precious pets, but they did have fun. Playing in the pools, laying on hammocks and being pampered pooches! Hopefully they will be able to do some more showing as there are several who are as nice or nicer than some of the dogs who earned thier championship this weekend. Lacking only grooming (to grow a good and proper coat) and training. Keep up the good work girls! See ya soon.
The mis-adventures of The Speed Racer
So, we had this very original mantra:"What happens in Montana, stays in Montana!" This was mostly because of me. You see, I think I was usually trying to do to much and I was causing some minor problems....well okay, sort of major problems!
The first thing was the bird....not my fault that the bird flew in my window the very first morning at the very first gas stop! Really, who would have thought that leaving your window open at a gas station would catch you a bird. Dena was standing inside while I was gasing up and keep hearing a "chirp". She thought it was some sort of warning signal on my rig....like back in 1989 there was such a thing! But, Dena to the rescue....she caught that critter with her bare hands. (I probably would have thrown a towel on it or something really dramatic.) Anyway, she caught it and took it outside and let it go free....or kicked it out to make it's own way where ever it was headed! That sure gave us a laugh though.
The second thing happened as we prepared to leave Billings. The park we were staying at had power, water and sewer! I had to park in such a way that my lines would not reach our sewer dump, so as we were leaving, I pulled up sideways to an empty one to dump. I got everything set up, still needing an extension, released the valve for the sewer line, went inside to flush some extra water through. I went back outside to discover the line had come apart.....you guessed it, waste on the ground. Poor Betsy and Dena. I felt so bad for them. It was bad enough that I had to deal with it but I had made the mess! We got it appropriately cleaned up (with a hospital grade antiseptic) and left...only an hour behind schedule.
There was nothing of consequence in Great Falls....with the exception of the "Dorothy adventure weather" getting there.
The first morning there was going much as most morning. Of course it was morning 7 and we had gotten to bed after midnight and we had gotten up around 5 am. I was being helpful. I thought I heard the espresso pot that Dena had put on boiling, so went running out to turn off the burner. It was not the pot, it was something else I had heard. So, I turned it back on. Only I turned on the wrong burner! A couple of minutes later we discovered that the rubber placemat under the cutting board, over the burner I had turned on was on fire! Dena started to pull them off, but they flamed up, so she pushed the board back over it and we threw water on it. The smoke detector starting going off. I picked that up and tossed it out of the trailer. All of the dogs were in crates stacked in the trailer. We started tossing them to people waiting outside. The amazing thing is that other than the melted mats and burned cutting boards, there was no damage to the motorhome!
The next morning at O dark thirty, I awoke to the awnings flapping and sounds of a major storm. Vicki has written about the storm already. As we were running around getting things put out of harms way, the motorhome door slammed shut and the three of us were locked out. All six dogs were inside, not having the morning potty or being fed yet. We had a 9 ish ring time....the clock was ticking. AAA finally got us in with very little time to spare. What a way to break a major was all I could think!
Seemed like all was well. We got packed up and left Missoula, nothing exciting happened on the road. We stayed in Umatilla at a WONDERFUL RV park right on the river. That was a wonderful windup to our trip. We actually felt human, not like carnies.
This morning, being the good RV driver, I checked all fluid levels, adding oil to the engine. Making the circuit around the rig prior to departure, I completely missed the fact that I had forgotten to close the hood! So, as we enter the freeway, the hood flaps up and slams against the front of the RV. I pulled off, as I slowed, it slammed shut...okay, enough is enough. The rest of the trip has been uneventful. Thank goodness!
The Big Cinnamon Roll in the Sky!!
I've not seen enough information written about the Tornado-like weather we experien
ced on the trip from Great Falls to Missoula. The top picture is of a "vortex" cloud that I'm sure is very similar to the clouds Dorothy and Toto experienced before they traveled to Oz. The winds shook Speed Racer so hard that our Seasoned Driver, Val (that's the top of her head right under the cinnamon roll cloud formation), not only had white knuckles but lacked healthy color in her face. With no room on the side of the road to pull over she pushed on, side mirrors and A/C on top shaking like they would take flight anytime, until we finally found a little road side Mexican Restaurant with a big enough parking lot (you've heard the song "Give Me 40 Acres") to pull over and wait out the storm. Dena and I couldn't turn down the opportunity to get out of the MH to see if (despite their mortal bonds and gravity) they could fly. Fortunately, we couldn't lift our butts
off the ground high enough to take wing. If. we been successful I am sure we would have been hurled toward the MH and become part of the bug slop on the windshield. Val would've probably had to wash it then.

Girls Night Out
My first pedicure! This isn't my foot, but my friend Kari(it is her foot) called on our last night in Missoula and invited me to go to get a pedicure. I had never had one, and was not inclined to. Dena insisted that I needed to do it. So, I thought what the heck...face your fear. Splurge....so off we went. There ended up being five of us..Dawn (Missoula is her home town), Kari, Vicki, Betsy and me. We had a wonderful time. The pedicure was pretty cool. It was tickelish, but not for too long. We all laughed and talked and had a really stressfree, dogless time.
A boy and his dog
Even though Willson is an honorary Cairn, this picture is just too cool! Casey's boys were a delight to have along. They were courteous and helpful. Everything from helping to prepare parts of dinner (code spoken there) to hauling water at Missoula so that I wouldn't run out. They walked dogs for people if asked and even gave up time with mom to help out someone who needed a ride. Awesome kids.
June 21
The trip from Billings to Great Falls was the trip through Oz to hell! Have you seen the movie Twister? Well, I have lived the sequence just before it touched down....only in the foothills of Montana! Betsy has a picture of the "cinnamon roll" clouds that gathered overhead as Dena exclaimed, "Hey, this reminds me of those guys in the movie who chased the twisters!" The wind was insane! There was no place to pull over, so we just chugged along, trying to keep it on the road and just barely succeeding. I finally saw a Mexican restaurant at the top of the hill and thought I would cry. I pulled in, nestled up to the back side of the building with my but facing the wind and shook for awhile. Meanwhile, Betsy and Dena went outside to test thier wings. I took a couple of pictures, but actually, I was pretty drained and still scared. I will remember that for a long time.
Good job Happy dog....
I wrote this in word the day it happened....cuz I couldn't blog. I wanted to remember how we all felt...
There were three dogs in the open dog class today and Happy took first place. He took Reserve Winner to Hunter (darn Hunter….get out of the way!) We were all very excited. He is such a good dog with lots of terrific qualities. Betsy has done such a good job with training and grooming. In another time or place, I am sure he would have finished his championship by now.
I know how discouraging it must be for Betsy, but she always has an amazing, upbeat and helpful attitude. She has been working on this goal for over a year with great dedication and never trying to blame anyone or find fault, just plugging along toward her goals. Meanwhile earning performance titles and making a very nice dog for all of us to enjoy. It was so much fun traveling with her and getting to know her even better!
Jack is a nice boy!
When Rachel went to her brothers’ wedding, she asked me if I would show Jack. (He is a dog by a breeding of Curt and Joyce Whall who came along to try to pick up some points.) I said of course, because that is what this group does. We cover for each other. We help with grooming, or what ever needs to get done. This was the dog I had picked up for Rachel on the way down to The Dalles.
So, Rachel brought him to me ready to be shown, I just had to “fluff him up”, as we say.
I was very impressed with how well he did in the ring. I had some interaction with him during the trip, but we were all basically strangers to him. He just settled right in as if we were his pack and got along with everyone.
When it came time to go into the ring, I was very impressed. He did a very nice job with himself. I am sure that is due to the work that Joyce and Curt have done with him. Unfortunately on this trip, I think he needed more coat. All of that aside, his personality is exactly what I would hope to find in a cairn. That is not what can be said about some of them I have seen around.
So, Rachel brought him to me ready to be shown, I just had to “fluff him up”, as we say.
I was very impressed with how well he did in the ring. I had some interaction with him during the trip, but we were all basically strangers to him. He just settled right in as if we were his pack and got along with everyone.
When it came time to go into the ring, I was very impressed. He did a very nice job with himself. I am sure that is due to the work that Joyce and Curt have done with him. Unfortunately on this trip, I think he needed more coat. All of that aside, his personality is exactly what I would hope to find in a cairn. That is not what can be said about some of them I have seen around.
Home sweet home?
June 18th to June 21st
Billings Montana
Some things seem like a good idea at the time you think them up. Then it takes a person a while to realize that what seemed wonderful maybe was not thought out well. With a crew like ours, so many brillant minds can think up loads of things. We were set for the best camp set up ever. Or so we thought. Looking back at the week I think that we learned so much when we landed in Billings.
Our first night away from home may have been what started us on the path, spending the night in the WalMart parking lot. A new adventure for many of us. WalMart in Missoula seems to have their own little trailer village. Some rigs look like they have been there for a while, others just pulling in the sleep. Either way it felt somewhat like squatting. Most of us didn't get alot of sleep. Too much noise from people partying, shopping carts being rolled back in the store, etc. Yes the Missoula WalMart is a 24 hour shopping extravaganza! And we probably spent enough money inside to get us all a month long stay at a campground of our choice.
When we did land at the show site in Billings we set up camp. With all the trimmings it took us some time and much effort to set up all the wonderfully thought out comforts of home. The 24$ picnic tables were nice if you weighed close to 100 pounds otherwise if you weren't careful you might find yourself on the ground. Party lights under the 10x10's nice too, but you must bring an extra extension cord. The potted babies breath was a nice added floral touch. Maybe if the four rigs that made up our party had matching screen shades, pop ups, etc... It would have had a more neatly appearance. We had 4 sites back to back making a center living area. The only problem was the 3 foot rail that seperated us. Too tall to step over and kind of short to crawl under. Felt like you were practicing for the Limbo contest everytime you went under it. Pat had this grand plan of using the ice chest to step over it, but that was a bit wobbley and we didn't need for someone to get hurt on the trip. Too many dogs so few handlers!
After it was all set up I think we must have felt some pride in our hearts. Our "village" was a sucess with all the things that you would ever need or want. To look at the pictures now of that first camp, I think WOW! Someone mentioned "Dignity Village" a homeless camp in Portland. We ate better. I don't think that anyone else in the entire show had what we had and would they want to?? LOL. I took alot of effort to take down that last day in Billings. It was never really discussed, but at the next site it was much simpler. Only Casey took out her picnic table. We just circled the wagons there and kept it simple. No pop ups, no light strings.
We never used the new pop up screen tents that we took. Betsy was the only one in the Speed Racer that ran out of clothes. Val and I over packed on most things. We had more food then we could eat. We also could have done with just one ice chest. But needed more Diet COKE! I noticed some extra xpens too that helped to hold up the trailers. When we packed the Speed Racer it was nice and tidy. Today it looks as though the storm passed through the inside of the rig!
Traveling together is really the way to go on a long trip like ours. The food was wonderful. Every night was a new pot luck! There was always something going on, people to hang with, dogs to groom. We even came in under budget. :) It was the best time for all. I think that most any one of us would do a trip together again. When do we leave? Are we there yet?
Wow, what a trip!!
We had a wonderful time. Overwhelming how well we did. I really am astounded that almost all that we were trying to we accomplished! Kula, Kona, Happy and Alex didn't get what they went for in Speed Racer, but Hattie and Hunter did. Boy did they! Those two each got two 5 point majors as well as multiple Reserve Winners, Best of winners, best opposite sex....
The best part for me was the community we had. It was marvelous. With one exception, we all worked together for the good of all. We even groomed each others dogs..even if they were competition. I did draw the line at going in with another bitch the day Kari showed Hattie. We figured out how not to have to work quite so hard by the last stop though!
Our first stop was Billings and we had more ____ pitched and set out than a month long excursion would have required! Awnings, dining hall, agility field, scooter for showers, visual barriers, mats, ..... By our stop last night, we barely put out x-pens! As a matter of fact, I was the only one and just because we had four males to keep apart!
I was disappointed that I didn't get to blog each day, but I will try to go back and recreate some of the feeling for the next few days. Vicki has done a phenominal job keeping something on the blog. Thank goodness. I would just like to have everyone's perspective now that we are home and have internet access again.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Finn takes a nap and has the need to suck his paw.
Poor guy -- he came along for the ride and was always left behind when the 'little dogs' and Sasha and Billie left for the rings. The 'little dogs' kept telling him that his turn will come. Cork would go and visit in the 'big dog' yard and that would make Finn very happy.
The Morning After
This morning we rolled the crates to ringside and Dawn was not there. She was the one with a hangover and quite sick. One should always eat at some point during the day before having Zimpler so one does not have to have a hotdog before going to bed.
Cork and Chase won their class but Salty was WD which finished him. Speedracer is taking him back for his new family in Seattle. Hunter was RWD.
Again Elle and Bella won their class but today I took Elle back in for Winner’s Bitch Elle, the final Cairn in The Big Rig that had not won yet, was Winner’s Bitch for 5 points. With all the 5 point majors for the 8 days we were short one club member for CTCA goblets. I’m guessing that pending members don’t count. L L L Breed went to
“Jock,” which is OK as we were able to get on the road early. Good luck in the Group.
With three show grounds and two heavy storms, take down and put up got to be pretty fast. Rachel and I tore down and packed up The Big Rig for the last time while Gary and Billie were at the GSD breed ring picking up another blue ribbon.
Cork and Chase won their class but Salty was WD which finished him. Speedracer is taking him back for his new family in Seattle. Hunter was RWD.
Again Elle and Bella won their class but today I took Elle back in for Winner’s Bitch Elle, the final Cairn in The Big Rig that had not won yet, was Winner’s Bitch for 5 points. With all the 5 point majors for the 8 days we were short one club member for CTCA goblets. I’m guessing that pending members don’t count. L L L Breed went to
“Jock,” which is OK as we were able to get on the road early. Good luck in the Group.
With three show grounds and two heavy storms, take down and put up got to be pretty fast. Rachel and I tore down and packed up The Big Rig for the last time while Gary and Billie were at the GSD breed ring picking up another blue ribbon.
The Land of Oz
The rain and wind stopped, the sun came out and it was a beautiful morning. But wait---Val is on the phone and Dena and Betsy are in The Big Rig. Apparently the wind slammed the door shut and LOCKED with the keys inside along with the six dogs. --- AAA Wizard to the rescue.
Rachel ran to get Mary for Rally and I think Mary had had enough. They started out and Mary had much more on her mind than Rally. She ran around the ring and then out she went. I was quite proud of her the day before for passing since the rings were in a grass field next to the racetrack. I’m sure she thought it was now time for hunting for flying monkeys and the heck with Rally. Stiller on the other hand had a great time in the ring and passed with a score of 86.
The breed dogs were hurriedly combed out and ready for the ring. Cork was a good boy as usual and got another blue ribbon. Chase took the open dog class and then Winner’s Dog—yea. Next were the girls. Elle took her class as did Hattie and Bella. I stayed on Bella and Casey took Elle in for me. Bella takes Winner’s Bitch! Hattie was RWB. Back in I go for Best of Breed. Dena took Chase in for me and Pat went in with Bella. Marshall takes BEST OF BREED!!!! Chase was BOW for 5 points and Bella was BOS over two bitch specials. WHAT A MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)
We went back to the camp and yes for the third time we had been able to ‘circle the wagons.’ Val made Tilapia wraps for lunch and then we went vendor shopping and to get ready for the Group ring. Richard Bauer was the Group judge, who had put “Jock” up the day before for BOB. Everyone was at ringside and as I approached even with the #1 a gust of wind came and it scooted towards Marshall and I. It kind of looked like an Ouija Board. Unfortunately, Bauer did not get the hint. But he did get a Group Three!!!!!!!!! Yea, Marshall. He so loves the Group ring and turns on with the clapping and hollering.
We had an early dinner of beef, chicken, or lamb kabobs, Caesar salad and potatoes. Betsy, Val and I went with Dawn Phillips and Kari Loken to get pedicures and manicures. Boy was that
nice. Dawn’s son brought us wine coolers as we sat in the massage chair and had a pedicure. Awwwwwwwwwwwww.
We got back around 2130 and had cheesecake and Zimpler (German cinnamon tequila.) Kari and Dawn were planning for my demise so I wouldn’t show up till after breed tomorrow from locking me in their car to getting me too drunk. We had a great time laughing and talking until around 2300. I’m sure the neighboring rigs would have rather listened to the generator.
Rachel ran to get Mary for Rally and I think Mary had had enough. They started out and Mary had much more on her mind than Rally. She ran around the ring and then out she went. I was quite proud of her the day before for passing since the rings were in a grass field next to the racetrack. I’m sure she thought it was now time for hunting for flying monkeys and the heck with Rally. Stiller on the other hand had a great time in the ring and passed with a score of 86.
The breed dogs were hurriedly combed out and ready for the ring. Cork was a good boy as usual and got another blue ribbon. Chase took the open dog class and then Winner’s Dog—yea. Next were the girls. Elle took her class as did Hattie and Bella. I stayed on Bella and Casey took Elle in for me. Bella takes Winner’s Bitch! Hattie was RWB. Back in I go for Best of Breed. Dena took Chase in for me and Pat went in with Bella. Marshall takes BEST OF BREED!!!! Chase was BOW for 5 points and Bella was BOS over two bitch specials. WHAT A MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)
We went back to the camp and yes for the third time we had been able to ‘circle the wagons.’ Val made Tilapia wraps for lunch and then we went vendor shopping and to get ready for the Group ring. Richard Bauer was the Group judge, who had put “Jock” up the day before for BOB. Everyone was at ringside and as I approached even with the #1 a gust of wind came and it scooted towards Marshall and I. It kind of looked like an Ouija Board. Unfortunately, Bauer did not get the hint. But he did get a Group Three!!!!!!!!! Yea, Marshall. He so loves the Group ring and turns on with the clapping and hollering.
We had an early dinner of beef, chicken, or lamb kabobs, Caesar salad and potatoes. Betsy, Val and I went with Dawn Phillips and Kari Loken to get pedicures and manicures. Boy was that
We got back around 2130 and had cheesecake and Zimpler (German cinnamon tequila.) Kari and Dawn were planning for my demise so I wouldn’t show up till after breed tomorrow from locking me in their car to getting me too drunk. We had a great time laughing and talking until around 2300. I’m sure the neighboring rigs would have rather listened to the generator.
Toto-I don't think we are in Missoula anymore!
At about 0445 hours Gary was awoken by the 'little dogs' woofing. This was quite unusual as Sasha usually wakes him up around 0530 with a cold nose in his face. It had been about 95 degrees the day before so Gary had left the door open with just the screen shut. The 'little dogs' could see Speedracer's awning and shade cloths flapping in the wind. I'm sure they knew what was coming. (The GSDs may be able to read but the Cairns are psychic.) I woke up and heard rain so I jumped up thinking that my camera had been left out. Gary said he had put it in and I went back to bed. THEN...........the motorhome started rocking. I realized the wind had picked up and I could then hear the others trying to keep Gary's new pop-up tent from blowing away. Pat and Val still in their nightgowns (that's why I wear sweats to bed) were out getting the awnings in as were everyone except Rachel. She thought the rocking of the motorhome was me getting the dogs out early as I had been doing on the trip. Things started getting batted down and Pat comes back out of the trailer and asked if I wanted her to go over to the grooming pop-up tent on her bike tp see if it was still standing. She has an old fashioned bike and just then a huge gust of wind came up and all I could think of was "The Wizard of Oz." Rachel finally realized it was a typhoon and came out to help get things down and in.
Gary and I left for the grooming space and Betsy and Dena were already there. It had moved about three feet but still standing. Betsy and I held the one side to keep it from buckling anymore and Gary and Dena started getting three dolley's of crates, four grooming tables, two fans, and all the grooming equipment into the show building. Val came with raincoats for everyone and the pop-up was collapsed and put inside also.
PHEW...............all this and Mary was in rally at 0800, Stiller was in at 0900, and ring time for conformation at 0915 after 10.
All the dogs had been so good as no one cried to go out until we were finally done at about 0700 to be let out.
Results to follow.
Gary and I left for the grooming space and Betsy and Dena were already there. It had moved about three feet but still standing. Betsy and I held the one side to keep it from buckling anymore and Gary and Dena started getting three dolley's of crates, four grooming tables, two fans, and all the grooming equipment into the show building. Val came with raincoats for everyone and the pop-up was collapsed and put inside also.
PHEW...............all this and Mary was in rally at 0800, Stiller was in at 0900, and ring time for conformation at 0915 after 10.
All the dogs had been so good as no one cried to go out until we were finally done at about 0700 to be let out.
Results to follow.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
A few more results plus a GROUP 2
Another quick post of results.
County Cork of Wolfpit was WD for 4 points, at just a week over 6 months, and Hattie was BOW for 5 points Thursday in Billings.
Friday in Great Falls started out with a qualifing score for both Mary and Sammy in Novice B obedience handled by Rachel but sits and downs were done my me and another gal that goes to class at Jim's because Rachel flew out to Reno for her brother's wedding. Hattie was BOW and BOS for 5 points and Jack won his class.
Saturday Mary again qualified in Novice B with a 183.5 with me handling. It has been over a year since I've been in the ring and I think Mary knew it. :) For conformation, Hunter was BOW for 5 points and Happy was RWD. Marshall won the Breed. Although Ken McDermott did not put him up the day before for breed he gave Marshall a GROUP 2. Yes, I was flying high and another $34 to Randy for pictures. :):):) Needless to say it was very late by the time we got into Missoula. Thanks to the rest of the rigs and spot was ready and food was short to follow (at 10:30.)
Sunday Mary qualified for her 2nd Rally Exellent leg with Rachel first thing this morning. Sasha had a great time in the Open ring with Gary. Unfortunatly she did not qualify. Hunter again took BOW for another 5 points and Bella was RWB. I am sure it was the singing of "We Are The Champions" before we went ringside under the grooming tent that got us the points. Then off to Goodwill for some great treasures for Montgomery County week and a new horn for Pat's bike. We can't wait to see Rachel in her plaid skirt.
While Wilson the Border was drinking from the beer bottle on the grooming table, Sasha gave Finn (GSD's) a quarter for the bus and let him out the x-pen and told him to head northeast. He soon found out that it cost more than a quarter and a wonderful woman took him into her setup.
Dena talked the boys into putting the swimming pool on a dolley and filling it with water at the dog wash area as there is no power or water at the setups. Unfortunatly there wasn't much water left as it sloshed out on the way. They were still good sports and carried about 50 gallons of water to Speedracer to fill her back up. I'm not sure where all her water went but Val felt the need to buy a new granite cutting board for the motorhome.
Betsy didn't know that Speedracer had water so she went to the handicapped bathroom, now known as the washroom, to get a sink bath. She forgot her towel but luckily they had the power dryers with swivel heads.
OK it is very late and we are all so very tired. Due to the horrible internet conditions we apologize for lack of posts.
Wish us all luck tomorrow as Hattie, Hunter, and Mary could all come away with new titles. Nite for now.
County Cork of Wolfpit was WD for 4 points, at just a week over 6 months, and Hattie was BOW for 5 points Thursday in Billings.
Friday in Great Falls started out with a qualifing score for both Mary and Sammy in Novice B obedience handled by Rachel but sits and downs were done my me and another gal that goes to class at Jim's because Rachel flew out to Reno for her brother's wedding. Hattie was BOW and BOS for 5 points and Jack won his class.
Saturday Mary again qualified in Novice B with a 183.5 with me handling. It has been over a year since I've been in the ring and I think Mary knew it. :) For conformation, Hunter was BOW for 5 points and Happy was RWD. Marshall won the Breed. Although Ken McDermott did not put him up the day before for breed he gave Marshall a GROUP 2. Yes, I was flying high and another $34 to Randy for pictures. :):):) Needless to say it was very late by the time we got into Missoula. Thanks to the rest of the rigs and spot was ready and food was short to follow (at 10:30.)
Sunday Mary qualified for her 2nd Rally Exellent leg with Rachel first thing this morning. Sasha had a great time in the Open ring with Gary. Unfortunatly she did not qualify. Hunter again took BOW for another 5 points and Bella was RWB. I am sure it was the singing of "We Are The Champions" before we went ringside under the grooming tent that got us the points. Then off to Goodwill for some great treasures for Montgomery County week and a new horn for Pat's bike. We can't wait to see Rachel in her plaid skirt.
While Wilson the Border was drinking from the beer bottle on the grooming table, Sasha gave Finn (GSD's) a quarter for the bus and let him out the x-pen and told him to head northeast. He soon found out that it cost more than a quarter and a wonderful woman took him into her setup.
Dena talked the boys into putting the swimming pool on a dolley and filling it with water at the dog wash area as there is no power or water at the setups. Unfortunatly there wasn't much water left as it sloshed out on the way. They were still good sports and carried about 50 gallons of water to Speedracer to fill her back up. I'm not sure where all her water went but Val felt the need to buy a new granite cutting board for the motorhome.
Betsy didn't know that Speedracer had water so she went to the handicapped bathroom, now known as the washroom, to get a sink bath. She forgot her towel but luckily they had the power dryers with swivel heads.
OK it is very late and we are all so very tired. Due to the horrible internet conditions we apologize for lack of posts.
Wish us all luck tomorrow as Hattie, Hunter, and Mary could all come away with new titles. Nite for now.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
A few placements and New Champion * KinLoch's Marshall Canyon JE *
WD = "Marshall" loved by the Laufer family.
RWD = "Hunter" loved by the Wolfe family.
WB & BOW & new CH= "Sammy" loved by Rachel.
"Cork" (loved by Fritz and Suzanne) got a blue ribbon and "Chase" (loved by the Schneider family) was second in a class of four.
WD & BOW & new CH KinLoch's Marshall Canyon JE
RWD = "Hunter"
"Cork" got another blue ribbon and "Chase" won his class.
"Hunter" says "Thank goodness that "Marshall" is out of the way now."
WD = "Marshall" loved by the Laufer family.
RWD = "Hunter" loved by the Wolfe family.
WB & BOW & new CH= "Sammy" loved by Rachel.
"Cork" (loved by Fritz and Suzanne) got a blue ribbon and "Chase" (loved by the Schneider family) was second in a class of four.
WD & BOW & new CH KinLoch's Marshall Canyon JE
RWD = "Hunter"
"Cork" got another blue ribbon and "Chase" won his class.
"Hunter" says "Thank goodness that "Marshall" is out of the way now."
The trip to Billings and set-up.
Hi all--Finally I have been invited (Vicki :) The Internet in Montana is something to be desired. The trip over was pretty uneventful except the crazy kids that just stopped on the freeway in front of us and The Big Rig (TBR) just barely made the stop. Not to fret, the only thing that moved or shifted was the mattress in the back and of course a lot of bad words.
We stopped at the Silver Dollar Casino for the dogs and drivers and did a bit of shopping.
TBR stopped to see the Grizzly Bears and then to a rest area where
I guess it is not going to let me upload any pictures for now. Hopefully I can get the pictures later.
Marshall, Chase, and Cork say hey to their families and are having a great time.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
My Grammy loves me!
Hi, It is Hattie writing this (with my moms help). I saw my Grammy Kari yesterday and she was so excited when she saw me! I was worried, cuz I had that silly cyst taken off and my mom has been freaking out cuz the hair isn't growing very fast. Anyway, she was very nice about how I am looking and so we all feel better. I didn't even place today, but I know that the judge really didn't like my type and my friend Sammy won and now she is a champion, so everyone is happy.
I knew I could do it. We trotted around the breed ring and were immediatly sent to the front of the line. I knew it was good when the other bitches were coming in for Winners and the judge said to Rachel, "She's got a beautiful body.... bring her out here and just let her stand." Yeah, stand square and look cute, I can do that. So Frank Sabella gets on my "good" list.
We went 'round for winners at the front of the line and before I knew it, Rachel was poking me, sticking a toy in my face and popping treats down my throat, while Vicki was cheering and people outside the ring were saying, "She's finished, she's finished!"
We had to stay in for Breed then, which I might have had a shot at but man, by then I was tired and really didn't want to show in the group anyway, so I relaxed and let that other dog take it (I really did). Then, my favorite part of anything- we took the picture!! They threw the squeeky and after the picture I got to get down, grab it and shake it to death!!
So now it's nothing but rest and relaxation for me the rest of this trip, except for this little thing they call "obedience" but that should be a cinch when one has the brains and beauty I have.
Signing off now,
Am/Int Ch Kinloch's Upper Deck, CD, RE, NJP, NAJ, FD-Ch Silver
(They call me "Sammy")
We went 'round for winners at the front of the line and before I knew it, Rachel was poking me, sticking a toy in my face and popping treats down my throat, while Vicki was cheering and people outside the ring were saying, "She's finished, she's finished!"
We had to stay in for Breed then, which I might have had a shot at but man, by then I was tired and really didn't want to show in the group anyway, so I relaxed and let that other dog take it (I really did). Then, my favorite part of anything- we took the picture!! They threw the squeeky and after the picture I got to get down, grab it and shake it to death!!
So now it's nothing but rest and relaxation for me the rest of this trip, except for this little thing they call "obedience" but that should be a cinch when one has the brains and beauty I have.
Signing off now,
Am/Int Ch Kinloch's Upper Deck, CD, RE, NJP, NAJ, FD-Ch Silver
(They call me "Sammy")
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Well I KNEW something was up. The last few weeks have been crazy. "Heel, sit, down... down, ...DOWN!... all right, take it!"
This obedience stuff isn't always easy, but usually indicates some upcoming adventure when we start working hard on it. I hear rumors that I am no longer a "novice" dog and will now show in a class called "Open," where apparently I have to STAY SITTING while my wooden toy is thrown, then bring it back. I also have to lay down with NO warning, just getting shouted at in the middle of the ring like I'm some kind of miscreant.... I'll show them, it'll be High In Trial for me!
So yesterday I was dropped at my other mother's house (Vicki) where I was groomed, which ALWAYS indicates an adventure. Rachel returned to the house at 2 am and didn't even release me from my crate to sleep on her head. Then at 5 it was up and at'em, loaded in the big rolling house with the Greater Swiss style of Cairn (yeah, they wish).
I slept on the bed in the back with Rachel for a bit, but I'm not so sure I trust the driver of this house, so I asked to be put back in my crate. Let the less worthy dogs be rolled around the rig on every corner, I'll take my walls thank you very much.
I'm going to go take my fourth nap of the day. I heard there were buffalo bones for treats for us, so I want to be rested when I get mine. More blogging later.
This obedience stuff isn't always easy, but usually indicates some upcoming adventure when we start working hard on it. I hear rumors that I am no longer a "novice" dog and will now show in a class called "Open," where apparently I have to STAY SITTING while my wooden toy is thrown, then bring it back. I also have to lay down with NO warning, just getting shouted at in the middle of the ring like I'm some kind of miscreant.... I'll show them, it'll be High In Trial for me!
So yesterday I was dropped at my other mother's house (Vicki) where I was groomed, which ALWAYS indicates an adventure. Rachel returned to the house at 2 am and didn't even release me from my crate to sleep on her head. Then at 5 it was up and at'em, loaded in the big rolling house with the Greater Swiss style of Cairn (yeah, they wish).
I slept on the bed in the back with Rachel for a bit, but I'm not so sure I trust the driver of this house, so I asked to be put back in my crate. Let the less worthy dogs be rolled around the rig on every corner, I'll take my walls thank you very much.
I'm going to go take my fourth nap of the day. I heard there were buffalo bones for treats for us, so I want to be rested when I get mine. More blogging later.
The Dalles
We are now on our way. All met up at The Dalles. Betsy brought bumperstickers for all the rigs and bandanas for the dogs were passed out.
We have left the cloudy skies of Portland and The Dalles and heading to blue skies.
Thanks to Bill, Dena's husband, for taking the picture. In the picture - left to right.
Thanks to Bill, Dena's husband, for taking the picture. In the picture - left to right.
Sherry, Gary, Casey, Debbie, Pat, Vicki, Rachel, Betsy, Dena, and Val.
Kyle and Peter were too shy for the picture.
Kyle and Peter were too shy for the picture.
And then there is Sammy and Mary all ready for the adventure to come.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Big Rig and Patmobile arrive in Felony Flats (SE Portland)
****Vicki posting through Pat, because I'm still not invited. :( ****
Well, by 1330 the Big Rig was here as were all the dogs. Rachel loaded her stuff and off she went for Pride Partying. Cindi came and picked up Marty to stay with her until the McNamee’s head for Great Western. Gary and I took Homer over to Karen’s and then to Costco. While Gary went to Safeway to get the small stuff, I stayed and did the last minute grooming while all the dogs played. Pat got here at 2120 after a great dinner at Takahashi to celebrate Katie graduating Summa Cum Laude with highest honors in two majors. Pat is remaining at the keyboard for a few more hours to defend Caer Mogulus in the game of Travian. I’m off to bed.
Speed Racer has arrived!

Speed racer (the name given my rig by Rachel)arrived at the Wolfe residence this afternoon about 3:00. What a fabulous property! Bill has wonderful metal sculpture pieces all over the place...I am so jealous.
We got Dena's stuff stowed..(well most of it.Some has to wait for tomorrow.) There is even room for Betsy to put some stuff in too...of course, we may be dragging all the way to Montana!
Picked up Jack from Curt Whall this morning on the way and he will be turned over to Rachel bright and early in the morning.
For the last several hours, Bill has been trying to get the air card installed in Dena's computer. He is doing about as well as I did trying to install it in mine! Hopefully we can get it done so that we can continue to keep everyone up to date on what we are doing.. if not, maybe Vicki's will work.
So, goodnight everyone...
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Please comment.
We hope you enjoy reading our blog. Once we get on the road, things ought to heat up. We are taking the download cord for the camera and we will try to have something every day of interest to everyone. Hopefully funny and hopefully full of successes. The only thing we ask is that you COMMENT PLEASE! It is so much more fun to blog when people are leaving little comments for us. You will need to register so that you have an "identity". Don't worry, we won't sell your info to anyone and no one will try to sell you anything....well, we may try to sell our families the idea that this was hard work....hehe.
Ring times are in.
All of the ring times and numbers have been posted. Great Falls was the final one to be published and it came online today. We are lucky. All of our "moving days", we have early ring times! That will make it much easier to move on to the next venue. Just the one who wins breed will hang around til the group/BOB is over. Of course on the final day, whoever is in performance....they get to hang around too.
Lets go!
Okay you guys. The Montana group, check this out. If you want to be able to blog here, send me you email address and I will put you in as an author.
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