Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Suns out! finally!
It rained here all morning. But finally the sun came out and I took the dogs out to potty and we played their favorite thing! As you can see both Hunter and Alex like water, but more importantly they like the spray off the hose! Hunter dig's it and Alex bites it. What a team!
We miss our friends!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
These Hips Don't Graze
I was a bit apprehensive as I thought the cost was too much and it is on the (evil :) west side of town. But I was pleasantly surprised. The instructor, LISA, was great and got us right to work going over poles in a pick-up-stix style. Happy was the star. The only ‘slow’ dog was a Border Collie mix. hehehehe The other dog is a Keeshond who also does conformation and was not as good as the “CAIRNS.”
Happy went perfectly and then I did the four-line jump and everyone was laughing. Mary did it all and I didn’t fall down so what was it? Lisa said that Mary had so much energy going over the jumps she didn’t know what to do with it all…... her legs were going everywhich way… another missed photo-op. She then had us work on our position and she said to go down the line with our body straight forward, trying not to turn into the dog and graze the jumps with your hips. Betsy says, “These hips don’t graze.” It is going to be an awesome time with Betsy and Happy in class and well worth the time and money. The other pictures didn’t turn out of the dogs going through the tire so we will try to figure out a different camera. This is of Happy going through the tire if you can make him out.
We just might make it for Montgomery.
Monday, July 16, 2007
NW Paws Across America
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Has anyone heard my story
about Kula being launched from the rear window of Greg's Camry a few years ago? Well, this afternoon, Hattie tried to one up her. We were all hanging out in the upstairs room that is my little "retreat". It is where I watch TV (not a 46 inch one), blog, IM you get the picture. Speaking of which. The pictures above need some explanation. The one on the left is the screen from the window of the afore mentioned room. That is where it landed when Hattie jumped against it barking at the sound of the neighbor dogs collar tags. She landed just short of it and to the left. Thank goodness we had an awning built last year! I have no idea how I got out the window as fast as I did. Meanwile, Kula and Recee are barking their fool heads off for all sorts of reasons. Number 1; the dog tags that sent Hattie over the edge (literally). Number 2; unauthorized exit by Hattie. Number 3; unorthodox exit by mom! Everything is fine. I am happy to report. I am also quite sure my heart is healthy, cuz it would have stopped from the adrenaline surge!
Now, back to the pictures. All of you who have traveled with me or even visited house or motor home will recognize what those are. They have now found yet another alternative purpose (in their original life, they were organizational cubes. I purchased 24 of them at Value Village for $5.99). It may have been the most useful $5.99 I have ever spent. Anyway, these 3 are now permanently wedged into the offending window!
I sure hope Kona doesn't decide he needs to join the flying club, I have had quite enough.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Looking for an art angel.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Cascade Cairn Terrier Fun Days
Our own identity...
By the way thanks again to John Schuster for this terrific picture. It is one of our favorites!
We are so excited!
Udate on Augie
Thursday, July 12, 2007
My children
Well last Thursday I whelped, under the back porch because no one made me a whelping box, thank you very much. Then I had to clean Stiller's clock because he tried to come under the porch to see my babies. And Tally had to be chased away, too. I couldn't even leave the kennel to go out front for fear my babies would come to harm.
Then, on Friday, the car gets loaded and I am scooped up and put inside! My children, my children! I proceded to spend Friday night and Saturday in x-pens at an earthdog, attacking anyone who walked by in case they were going to harm my puppies.... who I couldn't find.....
By the time we returned home Sunday night (after I got to run Masters as a "spare," I thought about passing the whole thing just to blow their minds, but you know, I've never really been into the whole barking at the rats thing. After all, the rats have mothers, too.) I couldn't remember exactly where I'd had my puppies, or when.... it seemed so long ago. I guess they're weaned and have gone off to their familes now, so I needn't worry about them any more.
Although my mothers keep using words like "false pregnancy" to describe my condition, THEY weren't the ones putting on weight, getting sore nipples, and then having to worry about the little ones. Isn't it true that my perception is my reality?
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
70-75 degrees with the sun shining...that is prime weather!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Experimental Pet Exerciser
Still needs some work! Thanks to our lab "rat" Happy. He did a wonderful job on the first ever "roll-a-bout". We believe this type of exercise was instrumental in his achievement the next day, earning his first ever junior leg in earth dog.
If you too would like to use the Happy Hamster Ball prior to your entry in earthdog contact Happy at :
Monday, July 9, 2007
The Best Team Ever
A different look.
Several of us decided that it is so fun sharing our adventures that we would broaden the name to allow us to continue.
Maybe down the road, someone could make us a new banner. Although the one we are using certainly works for the new title!
300,000 miles!
Pat cursed herself as she prepared to fire up her trusty old truck on Sunday. She proclaimed it had over 300,ooo miles on it and still going strong! As she said it, it failed to start. No problem, Curt to the rescue. He grabbed his mammoth jumper apparatus (like they have at car dealerships) and fired her up. Well, as I was giving Maggie a final goodbye hug through the window, that is what appeared to be going on....FIRE! As it turned out, just smoke. I freaked out trying to remember how those darn seat belts unhook on kid car seats and Maggie freaked out at my freaking out. Greg and Curt ran to their rigs for the fire exthingishers. I finally got Maggie out and into the trailer yard next to where Pat's rig was. You may wonder, "What was Pat doing?"......she was trying to make the silly truck stop moving. Every time she took her foot off the brake the darn thing would lurch or roll at any rate moving....Next I started hauling dogs out. If you have ever tried to get the dogs out of Pat's truck without moving the seats you know this was a hurculean effort! Maggie's car seat was in the way on one side and Pat on the other. Finally all living creatures were safe in the trailer xpen yard and we could access the situation.
Apparently it was an electrical fire (acrid smell hanging over the truck was the first clue). It was out, now what to do. Pat's rig was smack dab in the middle of the exit route for our motor home. Again, Curt to the rescue. With the help of Robin (a Border Terrier person) with a wonderful tow strap, he hauled Pat's truck up far enough to get her trailer hooked up to his truck, then hauled it down next to the house. (No, the picture was staged, Greg didn't move it by brut strength.) The path was clear and we were off. Just a few hours after we thought we would be leaving.
A little aside. As Curt backed up pulling Pat's truck, Joyce notices that he is running into one of the orchard trees. It is as if Curt doesn't even see it. But the really funny part was that he stopped basically while he was still inside it! Opened his truck door as if nothing was there. As he is doing this, Joyce just comments "that probably isn't the best place to stop.." I was in stitches I was laughing so hard!
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Team work at Camp Oz
Never before have 3 women been matched so perfectly, we never argued, bitched, complained about each other. If something needed to be said, we said it.... WHAT A CONCEPT!! We all pitched in and "Got 'er done!!" willingly and with a smile (well, when I wasn't playing Tetrus).
I'll never forget the morning we were awoken, quite rudely at about 5am, in Missoula by gusts of wind shaking our accomodations (Dena thought it was Val doing exercises). Our entire encampment being blown helter-skelter, soon to be taken to Oz by the next gust. As I trotted toward the MH door to start securing items I looked out of Speed-Racers window and saw Val, bathrobe and jammies flying in the wind, with a few others troup members battening down the hatches. The rest of the crew joined them very quickly to drop, flip, fold and stake every thing down. During our wind blown frenzy, Pat asked Vicki if she should ride her bicycle down to the grooming area to see if anything was in danger of taking flight. Vicki and I looked at each other and broke into laughter. Not that we didn't think Pat could do it but the picture of Pat riding down the road in a windstorm possibly with Elizabeth in her handlbar basket left us in mortal fear that our encampment of Toto-like dogs, complete with Wicked witch of the west bike, would brand our encampment OZ of the NW. So, once Vicki and I saw that our camp close to being secure we ran down to the grooming area. Vicki and I ended up under the "pop-up" canopy holding one side out because it was trying to collapse into itself Others (including Pat with no Bike) were close behind us and moved all our gear (and you know there was lots of gear) inside the building. Litterally just moments before the rain started here comes Val, carrying rain coats for all us jammie clad people. We're not talking about a rain shower, we're talking about the bucket rain drops that will soak a Bichons Frises with a single drop. This is truly teamwork at it's finest, it made me proud to know all these marvelous people.