Val Perry. Such a strong word for such a cute, petite woman

of wisdom. Val drove Dena and I well over 1,400 miles without complaint. Dena, her trusty co-pilot, rarely dozed off and kept us chatting about the normal subjects like kids, siblings, dogs, men and vermin to mention a few topics. My contribution to conversations was varied and seldom.. I did tell a tale of BenWah balls that seemed to be amusing. Dena also came up with our musical accompaniments, my favorite being "Val-dereee, Val-derahhhh, Val-dereee, Val-der-hahahaha, my knap sack on my back!!" I'm having a hard time getting this out of my head, thank you very much.
Never before have 3 women been matched so perfectly, we never argued, bitched, complained about each other. If something needed to be said, we said it.... WHAT A CONCEPT!! We all pitched in and "Got 'er done!!" willingly and with a smile (well, when I wasn't playing Tetrus).
I'll never forget the morning we were awoken, quite rudely at about 5am, in Missoula by gusts of wind shaking our accomodations (Dena thought it was Val doing exercises). Our entire encampment being blown helter-skelter, soon to be taken to Oz by the next gust. As I trotted toward the MH door to start securing items I looked out of Speed-Racers window and saw Val, bathrobe and jammies flying in the wind, with a few others troup members battening down the hatches. The rest of the crew joined them very quickly to drop, flip, fold and stake every thing down. During our wind blown frenzy, Pat asked Vicki if she should ride her bicycle down to the grooming area to see if anything was in danger of taking flight. Vicki and I looked at each other and broke into laughter. Not that we didn't think Pat could do it but the picture of Pat riding down the road in a windstorm possibly with Elizabeth in her handlbar basket left us in mortal fear that our encampment of Toto-like dogs, complete with Wicked witch of the west bike, would brand our encampment OZ of the NW. So, once Vicki and I saw that our camp close to being secure we ran down to the grooming area. Vicki and I ended up under the "pop-up" canopy holding one side out because it was trying to collapse into itself Others (including Pat with no Bike) were close behind us and moved all our gear (and you know there was lots of gear) inside the building. Litterally just moments before the rain started here comes Val, carrying rain coats for all us jammie clad people. We're not talking about a rain shower, we're talking about the bucket rain drops that will soak a Bichons Frises with a single drop. This is truly teamwork at it's finest, it made me proud to know all these marvelous people.