Monday, March 31, 2008
I am a bad earth-dogger!
Tonight though, things went a little too far.
The mouse was back, with two friends and a child. THREE adults wild mice and ONE teenage mouse were having dinner in my grain bin this evening. This is totally unacceptable.
I had one terrier in the barn and two more terriers in the house at the time. One is working toward a Master title, one is the perpetual Intro dog who might be pushed into a Q at the Junior level if I can just find the right button, and the other is pretty young but shows a lot of inclination already.
So what do I do- amass the three dogs and tip over the bin, figuring only the fastest mouse will escape to snack again?
No. I lock the terrier (and the Maligator, in case he has any funny ideas) in the tack room, and, having learned from the last time that letting the mouse out in the barn results in it coming back, I carried the bin 200 feet into the woods and dumped the little mice out to make a new home.
Don't tell any of my earthdog friends.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
I still love it.

On Wednesday I went to a herding clinic with Roy Sage of Idaho. It is the first time I have been herding since last fall. We gave mom the day as her Christmas gift. Roy is like the dog whiperer of herding. Well actually, so is Dave Viklund, Lynn Leach and Larry Painter. All of the clinicians who were at Brigands Hideaway in Battleground this week. I love herding, it is the simple pleasure of watching the stock move to the command of the dog. Instinct, teamwork, a symphony...simple pleaure.
DENA DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hunter got the two points he needed to finish his AKC Championship on Easter Sunday March 23 in Bremerton.
We are so pleased for the Wolfepack! How about a picture Dena?
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
American Champion KinLoch Kalil Legally Blonde
Ilene, Casey, Elle, and I headed for the coast on Monday. Ilene is doing reseach (with a few dog shows on the weekends) for her lectures. I took her to Tillamook (had to have some icecream) and we stopped off at Pacific Seafood where the oyster plant is. Then off to Garabaldi. OH, a fish hatchery off the road. Oops - 11 miles up. Oh well, it was worth it. (I will blog and show pics later.)
Then continuing on north to hit Highway 26 to head home and we stopped at Cannon Beach for some dinner, a romp on the beach and then home.
And here is Elle doing what she loves most... going after birds.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy Toto again!

Sunday, March 16, 2008
Sammy, with Rachel holding the leash, showed in Novice B Obedience today with 40 dogs entered. She scored 191 1/2 and earned fourth place!!
Another Cairn friend, Echo, along with her leash-holder Brad earned TWO Novice B qualifying scores this weekend. Only one leg left for her title! After that comes Open! Are you working on retrieves, Brad?
Kona did Rally, Kula sat around showing everyone her deep brown eyes, Dena and Betsy both came down wearing skirts, our friend Ilene came all the way from the East coast, and Vicki set a record for herself by showing JUST ONE DOG all weekend. All those folks should get with it and post their results!
Friday, March 14, 2008
Don't click on the comment!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
CTCA Yearbook
The vet says....
The good news is that Kula is a small dog and easy to carry around.
The bad news is that the surgery ain't cheap, but if she was a big dog it would be twice as much!
The good news is Dr. Iverson is one of the best in the area for this surgery.
The bad news is that we have to wait until the 31st of March for the surgery! Or, maybe April 7! Must be hell to be so good that you have a full slate that far out!
The bad news is we have to keep Kula basically off of it til then, then the recovery begins after the surgery! It is a 3 month process to non-restricted activity! Then 3 more months until she can start training for agility.
The best news is that this has been going on for 6 or 8 months and is probably the reason she has had some agility apparatis issues! (Dr. says it is entirely possible it started when she jumped away from the dog who went after her at the agility trial last summer.)
So that means that when this is all over, she may love to do what she loved to do again!!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Earthdog Educational Seminar coming up....
2-Day Earthdog Educational Seminar
April 26 & 27, 2008
2-Day Educational Seminar for Earthdog Judges and Competitors
with AKC Field Representative, Barbara Teigen
Videos, educational materials, rules updates, raffle and door prizes.
hosted by
DAIRYDELL CANINE Doggie Dude Ranch & Training Center
and Connie Bartlett
2575 Adobe Rd. Petaluma, CA
Monday, March 10, 2008
I AM A WHAT????????????
I took this silly quiz on Dogster...well I actually took it twice. The first time it said I was a Border Collie! Now that is an okay dog, kind of intense and not really how I see myself. So, I took it again, there were some questions that I vascilated on the multi choice answer. I used the other answer to see the result. It said I was a BULLDOG??????????? What is up with on.
Wow, You're a Bulldog!
The Comedian
You may look like the troublemaker of the pack, but it turns out your tough guy mug is worse than its bite. You're really a softie, loyal to your friends and family and A-OK with meeting new pooches, but you prefer to do so with a high-five instead of a paw-shake. Proud of your great sense of humor, you've got a whole litter of jokes you draw from to keep the mood playful and the positive energy alive. A perfect afternoon for you involves a leisurely stroll with a pal, followed by a little downtime in an easy chair with a frosty can of brew and a remote control within easy fetching distance. You shed accusations of being lazy, knowing perfectly well that you're kenneling the energy you might need for... well... something. Learn more »
FAMOUS BULLDOGS: Ellen DeGeneres, Whoopi Goldberg, Jack Black, George W. Bush
LIKELY PROFESSIONS: Comedian, Firefighter, Racecar Driver, Bartender
Not at all about dogs-
Today I recieved my acceptance letter to Lewis and Clark School of Law. I have been given one of 220 seats in the class entering Fall 2008; over 2,900 applications were recieved and reviewed. Financial Aid awards will be announced at the end of April.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
New Senior!
Today Vicki, many dogs, Barb, Betsy and Toto came to join us. The junior and senior dogs haven't run yet, but we have high hopes for our little Man In Black. He is such a trooper, been on stage the last few nights until late, and now he's down in Turner putting those rats in their place. What a boy.
Vicki/Sammy's puppies are doing well, they came down to their first ED event and practiced walking on leashes like little champs. Well, the one looks more like a little chump, but whatever. Vicki has pictures and probably more news to share later.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Great day today in the dog show!
Also, Susan Harper finished her young mail Jefferson.(Meaning he is now a Champion). Nancy Delyea's, Clark, Jefferson's littermate earned a rally novice leg. Ilene Kaplan's Casey won BOB and 3rd in group.
Really awesome, for you agility fans, Robin K. (Mr.Robin) and his Pap earned their 18th MACH!!! Agility history was made and I was there to see it! So, it was a very excellent day at the dog show in Seattle.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Transportation for Kula
Counting Blessings
Kula blew her ACL today. I am counting my blessings. We live in an area where the surgery she will need is fairly routine. My new vets office has a surgical guy with a good reputation. I had heard a gal talking about him not too long ago, having had the same surgery for her dog.....coincidence? I am counting blessings. We can afford to do this. For the next 4 months Kula is not allowed to do anything except potty on leash. No running, jumping, chasing the ball, weave polls, nothing! At least she has cute leashes.....and best of all. When this is all over.....SHE WILL RUN AGILITY AGAIN!!!!
Monday, March 3, 2008