I've taken the leap... Although Happy and I were awaiting the birth of Mary/Jock kids we found the love of our lives in Tessa and Uno's Oz.
We were innocently house/puppy sitting for Vicki the weekend of Moses Lake show. We showed up Friday night and were greeted by Mary & Tessa. The puppies were really screaming so I went to let them out. What a joy to see 20 little legs running for the door... Dinner was served, more playing outside and to bed we all went.
Saturday, at 6:29am, we started all over again, The kids certainly know when it's time to eat. After breakfast everyone went outside... Mothership went out, snarked at a puppy and I let her back in... she's in a Special Way and deserves to be in where it's cozy and no babies to bug her. I tried to nap on the couch but that didn't work out like I had planned. The rest of the day I'd be outside weeding, cleaning up or just watching the puppies, their Mama Tessa Marie and Happy do what dogs do best. Pups chasing Happy, Happy chasing Pups, Mama Tess scolding a bad behavior... Mostly, Happy and Oz were near each other. Oz would come to check in with me on occasion, but then again so would his siblings. By Sunday we had an understanding of what I was to do, they had trained me well. Happy and Oz were play bowing and chasing each other. The rest of the litter would be there also but typically it was Oz and Happy that instigated a romp around the back yard. I wondered how I was going to tell Vicki that Happy and I were in love with another pup....??? Nightmares ensued... I finally got the nerve to tell her and she was quite accepting of the news. All three of us (Hap, Oz and Betsy) have big ideas of how the world will use our talents.. Happy is glad he has a Toto back up now and Oz is looking forward to a life of agility, fun leash work and perhaps some confirmation as well. . Look out world, the Peets Crew is growing!! Oz will keep his call name... it just fits him. We were looking at golf courses for a wonderful little guy that loves his big brother. Maybe something in Tazmania (vampire land)?