Saturday, May 31, 2008
High In Trial
Today in Yakima Sammy scored (do I even HAVE to write it?) a 192 in the Novice B class, which brought us to High in Trial. She actually scored a 192+, because we had to run off for it.
A really nice-working Golden was in the class- the type of working dog which made me acquire Rain for myself. Attention, wagging, perfect front and back. I was the next dog, so I didn't see every second of her go, but I saw enough to know her dog was awesome.
Sammy had a few errors- a tight leash on the figure 8, moved a foot when I returned on the stand, a lag on the heel free on an about, then a PERFECT front sit (which is usually hard for her), and then- DID NOT FINISH. I almost died of shock. She was looking out the ring gate when I said around, and her response was to look at my face- "What? Sorry, I missed that last cue." Um, dog, you're the same one who did the entire ring routine with me giving the wrong commands- can't you pick this one up for us?? So no finish.
There was one other really nice-working attention-paying dog in the class, but he forgot to do his recall, doing a very good stay instead.
After the stays the judge was working in her book and I was playing with Sammy waiting for ribbons. She called the number of the Golden, brought him in and set him up for a heel free. I assumed he was running off with a dog from an earlier class for HIT, but had the little thought, "what if?" So I grabbed some cookies and started my usual warm-up with Sammy. I thought any of the ring stewards and experienced OB people probably thought I was being dumb, thinking that I might have tied this dog, but I did it anyway. When the Golden came out, the judge pointed and said, "You. Now." with a smile. We went in and heeled our little hearts out.
Coming in for ribbons, seeing the other dogs, I knew we'd just run off for first. When the called the Golden for second place (annoucing the 192, which meant *I* also had a 192- I should have just told the Golden lady beforehand that since we'd run it off, I could tell her she got a 192), I realized that I was not only first, but in the running for HIT. After leaving the ring, I nonchalantly asked the steward what the highest score of the morning had been. Knowing what I was asking, she smiled and said, "You're it, but there's still Novice A." After a nerve-wracking hour of being a bad sport (hoping for screaming kids and dogs bolting from the ring) the first place Novice A dog was 177.
Yes, floating on air is an accurate description.
We also did the new Rally class, Rally T Challenge. It uses the Advanced rules, adds seven new exercises, and you get bonus points for being under course time and lose points for being over course time. Seven handlers tried the class with us, and Sammy got first, with a score of 201/200 (we were the only team under time, and we were perfect!).
And Rain took the point over his brother (he's up to four!).
What a day for us. I'm going out for a steak dinner now. Pictures coming soon.
We are 4 weeks old!
Monday, May 26, 2008
On the mend

Kula has officially started walking a bit. We are up to 3 walks two doors down the block each day. Today we actually had a couple of minutes of obedience work. Very simple sit, down, you get the picture. She was sooooooo happy to be working! A week from Thursday she will have an x-ray to make sure that the surgery was successful. By then she is supposed to be walking to the end of the block. The doctor will let me know the course of action from there on. I hope that by then she will have some muscle tone restored. Sometimes it is pretty scarey to watch her walk, the knee appears to be loose and woobley, it is simply because there is no muscle there. But it is scarey! I will keep doing what we are supposed to be doing. It gets harder and harder as she gets more confident, but that is a very good thing....right?
Puppy Picnic
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Tally's Great Day
It was a hard choice between letting her walk through the house and jump in the tub and carrying her. In the end, carrying her won, in light of the fact that it's easier to wash my arms than the carpet.
How else do you wash a dog's face?
What Thee gives, Thee shall also recieve.
Friday, May 23, 2008
New Home for the quilt!
Well, it is done. The auction is over and the quilt will soon be on the way to the east coast to live. As it turns out it will still be in the Cairn family. That makes it much easier to put it in the mail! Charmaine Fedick of Phoenixville, PA won the auction. We all want to thank you so very much for bidding on the quilt. You have helped us find a fun way to raise some money to get back to Pennsylvania again this year. Most of all thanks to Barb and John Schuster for their generosity in building this quilt for us!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Tally hits 9
Her total for the three May earthdog trials is 9 (NINE) qualifying runs in a row without a failure between the Master (6) and Senior (3) classes. This also gives her 3 Double Q's (which are only called Iron Dog at OTEEC trials).
I am thinking about something really fun in the fall, making a Titanium Dog award or something. The dog would have to pass Master, Senior, and Junior all in one day. My bet is that many dogs won't work the rats three times in one day. Further, I think many Master dogs will not make it through the Jr tunnel in 30 seconds (this started as part of my quest to prove that 30 seconds is an unreasonable limit in JR). I might call it the SOS Award, for Skill, Obedience, and Speed- the specific things required at each level.
Update on Mary's brood from The Nanny
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Monday from Colorado
Added two more on Monday at the earthdog venue: Stella and Haggis Q'd in Master. Echo NQ'd on several counts. Barley did it all, but at 13 she just took too darn long to reach the quarry. As I waited for Peggy and Barley to come down off the hill with the judge, their bracemate's owner melted my heart with raves about how impossibly *darling* Barley was. Eathdog people are the best!
We hope to make it home tomorrow, but twelve hours is a lot for these aging bodies in this RV heap, so it might be Thursday before home sweet home.
We are all so proud of the Robinsend gang. Wishing them a safe journey home!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Stiller and Kona
Sunday Report from Colorado and Clinton
Tucker had an off day in agility, but qualified in Utility.
Stella had a three-peat of her stand-for-exam NQ. She only lost 3 points (each) on her heeling. She'll be terrific when she conquers that danged SFE. Stella had her first try in Rally Novice and qualified for her first leg.
Echo earned a "safety" leg in Novice B obedience, by the skin of her teeth. She earned her second Rally Novice leg with a 91.
Barley and Haggis completed their sweep of Rally Novice and earned their RN titles! Haggis learned a flip finish during warmpup in time to score a 95. Yay for the senior Cairns.
Carins were the second highest entry at TOPS, (18, second to the Borders with 32). Andrea Faucette with her dog Dottie earned the TOPS Cairn cumulative points award, as well as a MACH 11 (!) effective today. Awesome.
Will report on earthdog happenings on the road home, probably Tuesday night. Time to pack the RV and head for the hills above Fort Collins.
From Val: The weather was more moderate, but with higher humidity and lower breeze, it seemed much warmer to me and the dogs were pooped.
Kona and Stiller qualified in Seniors only today...silly boys. No ME or Irondog for them today. Kona had a BEAUTIFUL hunt up, indication and honor. He didn't make it to the rats! There was a tight left hand turn that befuddled him today. He made it through for Seniors though, in 16 seconds with a 6 second recall! What a good boy.
Tally earned Double Q's both days this weekend! What a wonderful little dog.
Oz Man

Saturday, May 17, 2008
Saturday Reports from Colorado and Clinton
Tucker had an off day and didn't qualify in Utility or Open. Not sure what he did in agility.
Stella NQ'd again for the same reason as Friday (stand for exam). Her Heel Free was excellent, losing only three points.
In Rally Novice, Haggis and Barley both qualified again, with scores of 92 and 93 respectively. At the TOPS dinner tonight, Barley and a Border Terrier both got prizes for being the oldest dogs entered in competition (both are 13).
In the obedience ring, despite never sitting even one time today (to the obvious bemusement of the judge) Echo qualified again, earning her CD title in her first three entries.
In Clinton, Talley with Rachel handling, Stiller with Pat on the leash and Kona with Val all qualified in both Masters and Seniors today! Triple Double Q. Rachel got a cute picture of Stiller and Kona and I will post it when she sends it to me. It was quite hot, but a stiff wind kept things from being miserable. Greg apprenticed for his first time. As you can see, it was a very busy weekend for our favorite northwest dogs and humans.
Jimmy and Zoe hit the beach

Jimmy came to Gearhart to spend the day with his Grandma Zoe. Just so happened the temperatures at the coast were in the high 80s, so both were quite happy to splash in the salt water, which BTW, Vicki says is great for Cairn coats.
The photo reminds me of the last scene from “Casablanca”, when Humphrey Bogart says to Claude Rains as they walk off together, “You know, Louie, this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship!”
Friday, May 16, 2008
Thanks to CRCTC ....
....the quilt arrived today. I won it in Portland in January at the Rose City Cluster. It was unfinished and Marie needed to finish it.
The quilt has become a tradition that begins with the club members decorating squares at their fall event. The squares are made into a fun quilt, each year different. I had sort of forgotten about it until one of the Portland people won a quilt that the Cascade Cairn Terrier Club raffled at their fun match in April. Someone made the comment that it was cool that I had won theirs and they had won ours! So, I sent a reminder to Marie, and voila!
The dogs were so excited, I am sure they smelled all the other cairns. First they smelled it all over, then they claimed it. Yes, the second picture is staged, but right now Hattie is curled up in a ball in the middle. Thanks Marie. I know how busy you are, I appreciate the effort to have it finished by last week. I really appreciate you mailing it to me.
Report from TOPS in Colorado
Lots of Cairns here! The Colorado folks are well represented of course (and nice as pie). The Cairn Terrier Club of Denver had a Meet the Breed display and gave every Cairn entered a goodie bag which was cool. I'm afraid I lost track of who did what with so many Cairns participating in everything ... so I can only report for the Northwest contingent (as best I can recall).
Our friend Missi and the UD Cairn Tucker qualified in Utility and *just* missed a UDX leg when Tucker laid down on the long sit in Open.
In Novice obedience Stella did not qualify. Apparently "stand for exam" does not mean "play catch me if you can with the judge." Echo already has a Novice leg with today's judge, so she had a "bye" day for obedience.
In Rally Novice we hit the trifecta, with Haggis, Echo, and Barley all qualifying. It was our very first time in a rally ring so we were happy to get out alive.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
We are on ebay!
Please send this to as many people as you would like. We are trying to help pay our expenses to Pennsylvania this year. Barb Schuster made this amazing quilt for us.
You will probably have to cut and paste the address above and that will take you directly to our item on ebay. Pass it on!
Kona's first Irondog Award
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Oh the Holidays are good to the Wolfe Pack!
Went to Turner this weekend for Earthdog. It was Mothers Day on Sunday. Since I had been in Bremerton for Easter and had finished Hunters Championship that day, I thought what the heck. It is a holiday for the Mother, and what would the Mother love to do???
EARTHDOG! Ran both the Cairns. Alex hunted like a pro! Got her first Junior leg on Saturday. Hunter just checked the hole, circled the rats and headed to the corn field. :(
Sunday we arranged for Hunter to go first in case it was Alex he was looking for at the den. Nope. Just wanted to play the game that we have taught him. Sniff, pee, cirlce and head to the corn field so all his human friends will yell his name and he can come running to them only to hear Good Boy! when he arrives. Bad humans! I think he now thinks this is what he is supposed to do. Everyone cheers his name and he gets to run fast and free in the field. WRONG! Time to re-train the humans.
Alex however, hunted again like a pro and got her second leg and her new Junior Earthdog title...
Lady KinLock of Wolfpit JE
Now if we can just work on the recall for Alex and for Hunter, but mostly for the Human we just might get another chance. What Holiday is next???
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Can one be an earthdog at 13 weeks - or should I say Rat Slayer?
Buffy's new family did great research looking for The Cairn Terrier from Working lines. Rob found Val and Greg's website for their kennel "Crofter's Dream" and started emailing with Greg. Luckily :) they did not have any pups and Greg sent him on to me. :)
The day that Buffy would be flying with Rob back to Indiana was approaching fast. Did he want to do earthdog? Or did he just like the whole package of a working dog of any breed? Will Buffy be a hunter? Will she have any prey drive?
Well, after the whelping of The Mothership we gave the pups a go at it. You see for yourself..........
I'm taking the video and Rob is encouraging his new little rat slayer.
All four Buffy, Xander, Willow and OZman had a great time. I can't wait till they are 6 months. The neighbors on the other hand probably wish I would go away.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Testing, testing
I tested this today. The stay command for the recall is "wait," which means "not for long," as opposed to "stay," which means "forever." I went through the entire ring routine (nothing like pattern-training a dog, look at the results it gets, 192 all over the place).
After the heel free, we lined up for the recall. I said "yes," which is how I answer the judge when asked "are you ready?" (on heeling exercises, I say "ready!" and on stationary exercises, a short and soft "yes"). Then I said to Sammy, "Front!" and waved my hand across her line of vision as I walked away. She stayed. When I turned and faced her, I called, "Sammy, wait!" She jumped up and ran to me, sitting perfectly in front. To finish, I said, "Sammy, back!" She finished left, although she prefers to finish right.
What this proves is that terrier trainers are nuts. We already knew that, though.
GSDCO on the 24th, here we come to break the 192 streak. The following weekend, Yakima, to take the trial by storm.
Oz Day 3

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Happy moving day for Buffy!
It was a bittersweet conversation as Vicki told me about Buffy's new dad. He and his family sound wonderful. They have lots of land and lots of places for her to hunt. She is a really special girl. We already have plans to stop in South Bend on our way to Pennsylvania in September to visit her!
Monday, May 5, 2008
First day home with Oz and Happy
Today is the first day home with us. Happy isn't all that impressed with the new addition but he's warming to the idea. Tom (our kitty-dog) said "no-comment", he'll come around before Happy. We went for a walkie first thing this morning before work. Oz walks on lead like he's done it forever. Happy, in the lead, showed him the ropes. Lots of activity in this neighborhood, kids playing basketball, little girls playing hop-scotch, a blow-up punching man all were a bit odd for him but he did fine after a bit of 'NONO I wanna go back!!" I picked him up, we watched all the scarey things for a bit then off we went. Hap and Oz on all fours struting like they owned the place.
At our lunchtime walkie I ran into a neighbor who had fallen love with Happy shortly after she moved in over a year ago. Her family had a Cairn while she was growing up (hasn't everyone?) and wanted one badly. I gave her some sage advise about a reputable breeder and never buy from a pet store and on we went. Soon after that conversation I saw her outside with a wild carirn/pom mix she BOUGHT AT A PET STORE!! I gotta hand it to her, she and her hubby have stuck by that pup and it's coming around fine. She squealed with delight when she saw Oz, he ran so hard he almost knocked her over when he reached her to get some lovin'. Happy sauntered up to her as if he expected the loves.. funny boy. He got lots of love just like Oz did. Just as we were ending our conversation (in the middle of our dead-end street) Holly came walking down the street. Oz didn't recognize her and started barking like he was going to eat her whole.... then, he recognized her and almost wiggled his way out of my neighbors arms.
What a great dog Oz is, he is a wonderful addition to our family!!
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Whelping party!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Puppies R Us
Anyway, back to the flung-puppy syndrome. I remember someone saying I wasn’t breathing… not true, as I said before I wasn’t thrilled about being in the cold place. Granny was quite upset and I think Auntie Val and Betsy were a bit frightened too. Granny took the huge blue thing and tried to suck my brains out through my nostrils… I’ll get her back someday. I was trying to get to the snack faucet but Granny kept grabbing me and flinging me… Sweet lady but Geeze. She put me in this basket with a towel and everyone gasped. Hey! I’m a healthy boy, Momma took good care of me when I was in the warm-fuzzy place. Brother Lando was 7.1 ounces too, what’s the big deal? Back, again, to Momma to hunt for the snack faucet. Then, darn it, Granny grabs me again, What Now old woman?? Auntie Val ties a ribbon around my neck, What the heck is wrong with you people, Can’t you tell us apart like Momma can? Purple, that’s a bitch color, c’mon now, really!!
My favorite human is Nanny Cindy. She doesn’t have very good snack faucets tho. She kept us really warm and safe while Momma was busy with Granny and Auntie Val worked on getting everyone out of the warm-fuzzy place. Evidently it’s not good if you stay there very long.
Humans are funny animals. I heard Auntie Val ask for a “diet”. I’m not sure what that is but on the TV it has something about “fat”. Then every one was asking Auntie Sharon for Pizza and diet and caffine free. I KNOW pizza has nothing to do with diet. Auntie Sharon went to get everyone’s requests and Granny Vicki went to tend our relatives. Momma was pushing our other little brother out of the warm-fuzzy. Just when Vicki and Sharon (with plate of pizza and “diet”) were both returning down the narrow hallway Auntie Val beckoned Granny to come quickly, Auntie Betsy was afraid, I could tell. Auntie Sharon and the plate of Pizza were pushed aside while Granny Vicki flew past to tend the Momma and baby brother. Brothers, sissy and I will have leftover pizza later in Granny’s Bedroom cuz I’m sure that stuff slid off that plate onto her bedroom floor. Auntie Sharon almost ended up there too.
Being in the warm-fuzzy was nice. You stay warm but you see and hear a lot. Granny was a bit stingy at meal times but Momma used a bit of ingenuity when no one was home, we ate really well. I can’t wait to see TV without Momma’s tummy in the way. I’m also looking forward to something Momma calls “Earthdog”. She and Uncle Marty say it’s really fun, you find ra
Well, there you have it! JarJar Binks, Lando, Obi and Padma, 7.1, 7.1, 7.1, 7.2 – boy, boy, boy, girl. What a day this has been for us kids and Momma. Now, we’re relaxing on the futon with Momma. It’s a good life in the cold place, I’ll miss the warm-fuzzy but this is going to be fun.
Whatchu lookin at?
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Evil Spammers

Happy earth dogging everyone. It is that time of the year and Kona is so excited...okay, it MIGHT have something to do with Hattie. All kidding aside, this is when you get to start earthdogging in Washington and Oregon. This weekend May 3 & 4 up at Hathor Farm on Widbey Island. Next weekend May 10 & 11 down in Turner, Oregon at Beldens Farm (Oregon Trails End Earthdog club) then back up to Widbey the weekend after that! That one is sponsored by Puget Sound Earthdog Club. See you there!