I also took and passed my CGC evaluator test. I have to say, there isn't much congratulating which needs to be done. A question near the end-
"In the 'Accepting a Friendly Stranger' exercise, the dog should:
A) Give the evaluator a warning bark or growl.
B) Lunge at the evaluator to protect the handler.
C) Hide behind the handler.
D) Calmly accept the friendly stranger."
At my EMT course, they told us the tests would be very, very hard, but they also told us some of the test questions would be so awful we'd want to jump out the window. They were right on both counts.
A few of the most memorable:
"CPR should be done with the patient-
A) Laying on their side
B) Talking you through it
C) Laying on their back
D) Laying on their stomach"
Another asked what the cause of seizures is, and one of the options was "demonic posession."
My all-time favorite-
"For someone to have an ectopic pregnancy, what condition must be present?
A) 6 to 8 weeks past last menstrual cycle
B) History of ectopic pregnancies
C) Abdominal pain
D) Pregnancy"
I kid you not.
But ignore those fun questions, and believe me when I say the course was one of the hardest college-things I've ever done, and I'm glad to be back.
Sammy and I will see you all at TAO.