10:oo pm/ Pottstown PA
Tuesday September 30th 2008
Its raining, its pouring, the old man's throwing bolts of lightening at us this evening followed by bellows of thunder. Welcome to Pennsylvania! Until today the weather has been wonderful. Hopefully this is the worst of it.

We spent the day at Kimberton, nice to have us and the dogs out of our boxes for a change. Rachel put a new title on Sammy today "Open Agility Jumpers" or OAJ! Congrats to Sammy the wondergirl! She not only got her title today but came in second!
The All Terrier Agility Trails are held on the Kimberton Fire Department and Fair grounds. Odd combo! Capt. Bill Wolfe said they have 2 paid men on duty from 8 to 5 and the rest of the crew is volunteer. It seems they may not have fires in the evening? who knows! It is a very nice place. Strange when a call comes for the Fire Department, the road they use is the same that we use so the trucks go right down the lane to the exit past the campers, then the vendors and the rings. STRANGE! The reader board in the front also read that it was donut Tuesday! We never saw any so we bought our own at Wawa! Yes Betsy it is still here. It is like a gas and convience store for those of you who haven't been to the East coast.
We found a vendor at the site that is going to make us a t-shirt with all the dogs on it! It is going to be too cute. All the dogs are doing fine. Vicki did loads of grooming today and everyone looks great. A bit more pulling and they will be ready for the ring on Friday and Saturday.
Vicki had some phone trouble today and ended up in AT&T tonight seeing what was wrong with it. Besides the fact that her bill was high, her phone did indeed die. The nice man at AT&T took off a large amount off her bill and set her up with a new phone. It all worked out great in the end, sometimes these things happen for a reason.
We are off to the site tomorrow. Both Vicki and Rachel are entered. The dogs will be spending time playing and romping with each other. Willow and Jimmy had a great time digging around today! Love those cairns with the dirt noses!
Time for bed!
Good night everyone!
Dena and a portion of the Wolfe pack!