Late at night, on one of those rare occasions that I am home, I sit on my couch and watch movies. Chick flicks to be specific. Tonight is "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2" a story of 4 young college girls and their friendships, turmoil, lives.. albeit a brief glimpse, it speaks volumes of the dynamics women and their relationships with each other, their families and men.

Tonight.. I had two sweet boys curled up next to me, one on each side of me, sound asleep.
When it was just Happy and I, BO (before Oz), I would be on the couch and Happy would be snuggled in his Critter Cube under the chair against the wall. It makes me appreciate the way life is.... Happy was who he was because that is what I needed when I first brought him home. He was a puppy that would take me on walks without fear. He would let me know how much he loved me by staying in the coat closet by the front door all day until I got home and would then greet me with a wagging tail when I came home. Holly called him my closet dog. When I had the second bout of cancer and was gone for an extended time she was quite concerned about him until I came home and then she understood. He would let me have the bed to myself but stayed close by during the night. I can't tell you how many times he's awaken me because I wasn't sleeping right, I suspect a bit of apnea or perhaps I was snoring too loud.. :) Last week, for the first time ever, Happy slept on the bed with me, not just for a while but all night, not just at the foot but right next to me. Did he know I needed him there by my side those 2 nights or was it really just because TomCat had his rocking chair? No, he knew I needed him there. Typically, if Tom was in the Rocker he would go under another chair in my bedroom and sleep there. Not those two nights, he was there next to me.
My sweet Ozman has changed our hearts. He has been goofy, sweet, loving and gentle (most of
the time) and turned both Happy and me into snuggling machines. He's showed Happy how to play tug, fetch, be really cute for treats!! Best of all, he's showed him how to lay on the couch and get petted "'til ya pass out"!! AS hard as I tried I couldn't get a picture of them on the couch with me so you'll have to settle for these shots of them sleeping in other places in the living room. I think this weekend has been hard on them.. having me home all the time is hard :)

I love these two little doggies, they are my life, my loves... and tug at my heart all day long no matter where I am.