Day 2 – From Sacramento to Long Beach CA
Val was first to arise, as usual. She slipped out of the cabin, almost unnoticed to go take
a shower while Dena and I caught up with our beauty sleep. What she neglected to do was shut off her *&!~!#$ alarm on her cell phone. So, consequently, at 6am Dena and I were up and at ‘em. Dena made it to the cell phone before I did, good thing too. Watching me climb into the upper bunk to turn it off may have led to a communication hardship for Val;
Change clothes,. Load car, potty dogs, feed dogs, take pictures of our cute little overnight resting place and off we go. We were in the car and moving at 7am. Stop at Starbucks to
get our coffee and some breakfast sandwiches. In our world (
VDB) “Breve” means
expresso and frothed ½ & ½. Evidently in California (darned that old Arnold) it means just ½ and ½. Unfortunately the girl at the drive up window thought we were attacking her
barista abilities and went on the defensive saying “I only work at the window” when Val pointed out Dena’s Breve was only milk. Good news was that all was fixed in moments with no hassle or any additional money spent.
On I5 heading south at 7:30… not bad at all. Most of the trip was pretty uneventful. A few potty stops for us and the doggies, buy me a toothbrush (the little furry jackets on my teeth are almost gone now). Dena downloaded a trivia game onto her phone and we played trivia, we
ain’t as smart as we thought we was either!
On our way down the Grapevine Val sang the Wicked Witch theme song, no basket on this bicycle,. Val.
I405’s Traffic was a bit like Hwy 26 going west at rush hour, we’
ve heard it’s like that all the time PLUS there are 12 lanes, 6 each way. We found our way to the Queen Mary Event Center with only a few U-Turns that Val is getting so good at. I must say.. California drivers are a bit… CRAZED!! I’m amazed there are still people alive down here.
Carol and Curt A. (Ruby’s Mom & Dad) had gone to the Cairn grooming area and staked out a very nice section for us so we
didn’t have to pee on any poles or anything. We unloaded the car and set everything up. We are right next to the water, a nice breeze blowing keeps it cool. We groomed for a while then headed to our hotel, The Guest House”.
Our room is sufficient and all we really need. We were all starving and since the dogs had eaten we felt it was our turn. We walked to the restaurant next to the motel, Green Field
Churrascaria. We knew it would be
spendy but we’d worked hard and
hadn’t really spent a lot on food. Green Field calls itself a Brazilian BBQ (that is what
churrascaria means). It claims it is a tradition for more than 300 years in a region in southern Brazil. The foyer is wonderful, there is a ceiling to floor endless water fountain that had to be 12 feet wide, very serene. It is a buffet with many wonderful salads (pasta, grain,
sauteed collard greens (great taste),
Greek salad, calamari, steamed shrimp
ala carte,
caprese, and many more. Another buffet table had many different side dishes like rice, mashed potatoes, friend yucca (very tasty, like potatoes), steamed fish etc. They also had fried bananas. There was some soups too, one that Dena said was very tasty. On your table was a small wooden peg about 2” in diameter and about 5” long. One end was green, opposite end was red and the middle was yellow. It is set on your table by the waiter with the red end up. Once you get your side dishes you return to your table. When you are ready for the meat portion of your meal you flip the peg over to the green end and waiter come with huge skewers of meat; Rib Eye, pork loin, chicken,
tri tip beef, lamb (I was excited about this one but
wasn’t overly impressed), sausage (Dena said it was good), sirloin beef (very very good). They offer various game meat when it is available. The skewers are probably 3’ long, one of them looked like a machete. The waiter slices off what you ask for and you catch it with tongs and put it on a plate. Very interactive. It was
spendy, you’d have to have a huge appetite to get your money’s worth but I’d eat there again if I had the money. Aaron and DJ would LOVE it!
Back at the hotel room to walk the doggies. We ran into some people from Hawaii with special dog. Lisa and Paul are very nice. We also chatted with Heidi J., with Ivy (Val’s grand
dogirl). Time for blogging, showering, ironing and getting settled in our room. The pictures won’t download properly, Betsy’s inability to tell the difference between a video and still shot. I’ll work on it
cuz I want you all to see our cabin in Sacramento Thursday morning.
More later, wish us good luck.