Dena and I arrived after Pat and Maggie had already done 3 days and 3 shows. We did 6 shows in 6 days ...that was enough for me. I don't know how Pat did it!
Northwest Paws Across America is the blog of a group of friends doing things with our dogs! We travel across America doing conformation, agility, earth dog, obedience and rally. Follow our adventures here!
We are Betsy Peet, Dena Wolfe, Val Perry, Vicki Havlik, Casey DePriest
Monday, August 31, 2009
Vancouver camping....and showing...and laughing.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
GREAT WESTERN..a little late
What a terrific show. I was finally downloading pictures and was again astounded at the quality of the production. Yes, that is the only word for it. I now know why several people I know say it is their absolute favorite! Here are some pictures. Amazing!
Alex and Dena on the left. Carol Onstad speaks with Betsy below.

Check out this camel!
Check out this camel!
Val talking to Carol Armbrust who has one of Pat Gentry's pups.

As you can see we had a lot of fun at the show. There was a lot going on at a really beautiful venue.
Please take a minute to look at these decorations. They were the most amazing creations I have ever seen at a dog show!The judge in this picture in Barbara Kornylo (she didn't like Sully best, but she did a very good job!)
Another knitter for the Evangelist cult!

I made her pose for the pictures but she is too cute and talented not to be in a picture :)
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Cat Attack!
Thursday night, after my second job, I took the dogs for a walkie. Typical time on Thursdays is 9pm-- ish. We took a route we normally don't follow due to a Papillon that is really reactive through the fence and windows... I just didn't feel like dealing with it that night.
I'm always on the lookout for dogs, cats, people walking so I can give the "leave it" command before they notice but tonight I totally blew it. As we came up on a home there were 2 cats under a car I didn't see... but Happy did. Both dogs are on a 26' flexi lead so if I'm not quick enough they can travel pretty far. Off Hap went after the pair of kitties with Oz right behind him. Happy got to the car before I hit the lock buttons on the flexi, Oz made it half that distance. One of the cats dashed for the front porch of the house, the other cut across the very small front yard to position himself behind a bush about 3 feet from Oz. Oz jumped sideways toward me and swung to face the cat behind the bush. He barked and snapped at it expecting it to run, Happy was just arriving at the scene. The cat, much to Oz's surprise, came after him, claws flying. Happy started to defend Oz and the cat went after him... Oz went after the cat, the cat turned on him and threw a blow that caught him in the nose as Happy tried to get in a snark or two the cat turned again on him. As I was dragging them down the sidewalk telling them to "leave it" they were all snapping and clawing at each other, the cat NEVER backed down and kept following the boyz hissing... whoa kittie, get over it!
If you can imagine this... Oz kept glancing back at the cat... trotting sideways. Happy bouncing sideways still on the watch. Then came the cats owner. 'OH my" she said as she scooped up the black and white monster cat, "did he attack your dogs, I'm soo sorry!!" I told her it was the funniest thing I'd ever seen... The cat was bigger than Happy and had more balls than a pit bull in the fighting ring. AND HE WAS PURRING IN HER ARMS as she petted him!! He obviously has some ownership issues.
This whole episode lasted maybe 30 seconds. It was quite an experience.
Last night, after agility, we took a walk with little puppy Cricket, who is visiting for a couple days. Her mom, Fran is recovering from her broken Ankle. We went a different route...
I'm always on the lookout for dogs, cats, people walking so I can give the "leave it" command before they notice but tonight I totally blew it. As we came up on a home there were 2 cats under a car I didn't see... but Happy did. Both dogs are on a 26' flexi lead so if I'm not quick enough they can travel pretty far. Off Hap went after the pair of kitties with Oz right behind him. Happy got to the car before I hit the lock buttons on the flexi, Oz made it half that distance. One of the cats dashed for the front porch of the house, the other cut across the very small front yard to position himself behind a bush about 3 feet from Oz. Oz jumped sideways toward me and swung to face the cat behind the bush. He barked and snapped at it expecting it to run, Happy was just arriving at the scene. The cat, much to Oz's surprise, came after him, claws flying. Happy started to defend Oz and the cat went after him... Oz went after the cat, the cat turned on him and threw a blow that caught him in the nose as Happy tried to get in a snark or two the cat turned again on him. As I was dragging them down the sidewalk telling them to "leave it" they were all snapping and clawing at each other, the cat NEVER backed down and kept following the boyz hissing... whoa kittie, get over it!
If you can imagine this... Oz kept glancing back at the cat... trotting sideways. Happy bouncing sideways still on the watch. Then came the cats owner. 'OH my" she said as she scooped up the black and white monster cat, "did he attack your dogs, I'm soo sorry!!" I told her it was the funniest thing I'd ever seen... The cat was bigger than Happy and had more balls than a pit bull in the fighting ring. AND HE WAS PURRING IN HER ARMS as she petted him!! He obviously has some ownership issues.
This whole episode lasted maybe 30 seconds. It was quite an experience.
Last night, after agility, we took a walk with little puppy Cricket, who is visiting for a couple days. Her mom, Fran is recovering from her broken Ankle. We went a different route...
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Here is a note I just got from Lauren Golden. She has moved to Southern California for awhile to pursue schooling.
"I just wanted to say thanks so much for getting me in touch with Anne Dove. We are getting together on Saturday for a play date. How fun! We are actually meeting at Kathleen Spellman's house since Anne's backyard in under construction. And an interesting fact, Anne is in the same profession as me! Small world. I am so glad that Obi will have some Cairn friends now. He is really partial to other Cairns. Or small red dogs. Funny little guy.
I may show Obi at a fun puppy match sponsored by the SCCTC on Sept. 5th. Anne is going to help me try to find someone to carpool with since it is about 2 hours south of here. It should be a good way for me to meet other Cairn folks and try Obi out in the ring.
Here's a cute pic of Obi from Scott's parents' house. In need of a brush, but a sweet boy nonetheless.
Thanks again for getting me in touch with folks down here. It makes me feel more at home.
I may show Obi at a fun puppy match sponsored by the SCCTC on Sept. 5th. Anne is going to help me try to find someone to carpool with since it is about 2 hours south of here. It should be a good way for me to meet other Cairn folks and try Obi out in the ring.
Here's a cute pic of Obi from Scott's parents' house. In need of a brush, but a sweet boy nonetheless.
Thanks again for getting me in touch with folks down here. It makes me feel more at home.
We think of our extended "family" and love hearing news of their adventures too!
Click on the Ads...
I just set up this option for the blog site. Whenever anyone clicks on the ads in the sidebar, we get $$. It is the coolest thing. Not tons, but enough to contribute to gas costs to go somewhere or maybe our trophy fund to contribute to shows. I guess the next step is to set up some sort of financial reporting system connected to a back account. Who would have thought? This is splendid!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
hmmm, I wrote it, might as well share it.
Just an intro; My name is Betsy, I have 2 Cairn Terrier boys and 1 CairnTerrier wannabe Cat. Quite honestly, if TomCat could, he would go with useverywhere, including Earthdog (wouldn't that be a hoot), dog shows, etc. I live and work in Beaverton, Oregon. I work part time at Puparazzi just so I can be near more dogs and their people more often. I volunteer for a dog park andwork feverishly on an annual fundraiser that has become quite the event.
I've always had dogs, mutt-skis mostly. My dad was an avid duck hunter (andDuck fan:)) so we often had retrievers. When I married and was on my own I hadSt Bernards, GSD, Lab/Golden mix and last, but not least my Poli, a Lab/Newfysmix. All wonderful dogs and very easy to train. When Poli passed on I decided Iwas getting too darned old to muscle a big puppy dog into heel position so Istarted looking for a small dog with a big attitude. After much research anddog shows I found a breed that fit the bill.My older boy, ChTC Cairngorm Shot in the Dark RA CGC JE, aka Happy will be 5 inJanuary. I brought him home at 8 weeks and he endured my 30 something daughter,2 grandsons and all their friends, 2 cats and me going through a second breastcancer treatment. He is my trainer, no really, he has trained me to train aterrier. BTW, ChTC stands for Champion of the Terminally Cute. He is sturdy,smart and very laid back, nothing rattles him. He's done 3 productions (around20 performances) of Wizard of Oz at 3 differnt high schools between December2007 and Nov 2008. He's tolerated 2 Diva Dorothys and one Dorothy that treated him like a cast member instead of a prop. He is my rock and my soul. At nighthe sleeps in a rocking chair next to my bed, never on my bed, so he can watchover us. We are working on his Rally excellent title, he needs one more legand his Senior Earthdog title, he needs two more legs. He had some issuescoming out of the tunnel in the SEnior venue but now he gets it so it should beno problem to finish that title in the next few weeks. We are also moving intothe world of Agility. He loves it dearly but we have some communication issueswe're working on. He's the biggest little dog I've ever known and the posterchild for Cairn Terriers. Happy is the dog trainers go to when they want to show novices what it looks like :) well, maybe that is an overstatement but heis so solid and cute (when he wants to be) that he makes everything look fun.He's a big ham and the more applause he gets the cuter he is.
My little boy (10 pounds bigger than Happy) is Kinloch's Shadowood RN CGC, akaOz. Oz will be 2 in February and may never grow up.... I hope. He came homewith me at 12 weeks, well socialized and hand picked by Happy. They are bestbuds forever. Oz is my lap boy and snugglebug, I can flip him on his back androck him to sleep. He has benefited by Happys training of me. Oz has a fewConformation points and is fun to show, he got his Rally Novice title at around15 months and a CGC at 11 months(I believe). He's not quite sure what to dowith Rats yet so Happy promised he would show him soon. We'll start up Rallyagain once Happy completes his Excellent title and I can trust him off leashbetter :). Oz has the energy to do anything anywhere anytime... as long asthere is food involved :). He's got the cutest darned expression and melts myheart when he looks at me. He sleeps on the bed with me at night cuz he knowsHappy is watching over us. He is smart and willing to try anything for me. Agility will be fun with him, I can't wait. We will start classes next month.Well, folks, thanks for listening.
I've always had dogs, mutt-skis mostly. My dad was an avid duck hunter (andDuck fan:)) so we often had retrievers. When I married and was on my own I hadSt Bernards, GSD, Lab/Golden mix and last, but not least my Poli, a Lab/Newfysmix. All wonderful dogs and very easy to train. When Poli passed on I decided Iwas getting too darned old to muscle a big puppy dog into heel position so Istarted looking for a small dog with a big attitude. After much research anddog shows I found a breed that fit the bill.My older boy, ChTC Cairngorm Shot in the Dark RA CGC JE, aka Happy will be 5 inJanuary. I brought him home at 8 weeks and he endured my 30 something daughter,2 grandsons and all their friends, 2 cats and me going through a second breastcancer treatment. He is my trainer, no really, he has trained me to train aterrier. BTW, ChTC stands for Champion of the Terminally Cute. He is sturdy,smart and very laid back, nothing rattles him. He's done 3 productions (around20 performances) of Wizard of Oz at 3 differnt high schools between December2007 and Nov 2008. He's tolerated 2 Diva Dorothys and one Dorothy that treated him like a cast member instead of a prop. He is my rock and my soul. At nighthe sleeps in a rocking chair next to my bed, never on my bed, so he can watchover us. We are working on his Rally excellent title, he needs one more legand his Senior Earthdog title, he needs two more legs. He had some issuescoming out of the tunnel in the SEnior venue but now he gets it so it should beno problem to finish that title in the next few weeks. We are also moving intothe world of Agility. He loves it dearly but we have some communication issueswe're working on. He's the biggest little dog I've ever known and the posterchild for Cairn Terriers. Happy is the dog trainers go to when they want to show novices what it looks like :) well, maybe that is an overstatement but heis so solid and cute (when he wants to be) that he makes everything look fun.He's a big ham and the more applause he gets the cuter he is.
My little boy (10 pounds bigger than Happy) is Kinloch's Shadowood RN CGC, akaOz. Oz will be 2 in February and may never grow up.... I hope. He came homewith me at 12 weeks, well socialized and hand picked by Happy. They are bestbuds forever. Oz is my lap boy and snugglebug, I can flip him on his back androck him to sleep. He has benefited by Happys training of me. Oz has a fewConformation points and is fun to show, he got his Rally Novice title at around15 months and a CGC at 11 months(I believe). He's not quite sure what to dowith Rats yet so Happy promised he would show him soon. We'll start up Rallyagain once Happy completes his Excellent title and I can trust him off leashbetter :). Oz has the energy to do anything anywhere anytime... as long asthere is food involved :). He's got the cutest darned expression and melts myheart when he looks at me. He sleeps on the bed with me at night cuz he knowsHappy is watching over us. He is smart and willing to try anything for me. Agility will be fun with him, I can't wait. We will start classes next month.Well, folks, thanks for listening.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
More news and pictures from last weekend
Here is Sully on Sunday. The day the judge didn't agree he was the best dog there.
Here is Chloe. The judge each day thought she was the best girl there. Ryan did a great job showing her.
Here is Toby he belongs to Liz Fidler a friend from Lacey. He was bred by the Whall's. He won best boy on Saturday.
Here is Merl. Such a cute boy. He needs more practice showing before he is ready to win.
I hope that we can get more of our friends to come to Redmond next year. It is a fun show.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Chloe on a march...
I don't have any pictures of Chloe, but today won her second Winners Bitch for another point.
I am sure she will do the same tomorrow and all she will need then is her two majors...dang, we will have to go on a hunt!
I am sure she will do the same tomorrow and all she will need then is her two majors...dang, we will have to go on a hunt!
Good day for Paws and our friends...
Monday, August 10, 2009

Congratulations to Dena and Hunter Am/Ca Ch.Cairngorm Box of Rain...again. We just got back from Canada where he got those final elusive points! We thought we had them last year, but there was a clerical glitch and he was two short.
Also finishing her Canadian Championship was Rags. Tipsy (AKA Tage/Bug) earned a few points and Hattie earned 6! The new boy from back East owned by Pat also got some points. Looks like some of us will be headed back to Canada!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Forever Families
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