Saturday Oz, Happy and I drove to Salem to partake in Rally competition. Happy in Excellent A, Oz in Advanced B.
Happy and I were first competitors in the ring... Unfortunately, Happy always picks up on my performance anxiety so he lagged behind. He did
OK but his unwillingness to participate in my anxiety pretty much blew the whole thing out of the water. Once I decided we were screwed (the third from the last obstacle) and we wouldn't pass, Happy hopped into step and pranced proudly at my side, doing the last 3 obstacle perfectly... Damn... gotta take drugs or something to solve MY issues!! We were the only Excellent team NOT to pass!! And, I did the offset figure 8 wrong!!
It was Oz's first time in the competition off leash. Our practices were
OK, he still has quite a love for the smells, but all in all they went well. My fear was the off leash, not the obstacles. He actually did pretty well considering. The 2
nd obstacle was the broad jump and he hit it with his rear leg... I think it hurt. He sniffed the bowls in the off center figure 8 then came back to me and did the rest pretty good. Still not passing but not bad for a first timer.
Sunday Vicki, Cindi,
Padme, Jazz Jimmy, Oz and I drove back down for Conformation... Cindi with her new shoes (yes, they can be worn to confirmations also). Oz won Winners Dog and best opposite, Poor Jimmy, he looked so good too...
Padme won winners bitch, Jazz had fun :)
Happy stayed with Mary at home... Evidently he didn't look at any of her
chewies cuz he was still alive when we got home.
On our way home we stopped at
Rockin' Rogers on Market street for a late lunch. Cute little 50's style diner with nothing but yummy comfort food (they do have nice salads tho). We all stuffed ourselves as best as we could and headed home.
Nice time, great friends, good weekend. I'm taking beer to agility next weekend!!