This morning on our walk I learned how wonderful the "leave it" command can make me feel and how consistent training is so important. We can teach our dog anything, call any behavior anything we wish but if it is not reinforced consistently and rewarded well it will do us no good.
I had the day off today so our walkie was a bit later than normal. We were heading toward home when I saw the "bad dogs" of the neighborhood on their front porch getting ready for a walk. Three women, three dogs; a Am Eskimo, a Beagle, and a Daschund. We would pass within 10 feet of them soon. Before we were spotted I told Oz and Happy to "leave it". Immediately the two goofs started to look for what they were to leave alone and spotted the Bad news dogs who saw them at the same time. All 3 of the Bad News dogs started barking, spinning and flinging against the end of their leash, total chaos. 9:00 in the morning and these three yahoos were making enough noise to wake the dead and the humans at the end of their leads did nothing. I told my Boyz "Leave it" and "close" and locked the Flexi and we continued on. As we pass the 3 wild ones, barking, lunging and spinning, Oz and Happy just looked at them and happily trotted past. I could tell Oz wanted so desperately to pee on their lawn but he never once pulled on the lead, Happy either. Once we were at the end of the block I stopped and hugged them both. The three women were in awe at my two. I was so proud.
"Leave it" works, use it. :)