Northwest Paws Across America is the blog of a group of friends doing things with our dogs! We travel across America doing conformation, agility, earth dog, obedience and rally. Follow our adventures here!

We are Betsy Peet, Dena Wolfe, Val Perry, Vicki Havlik, Casey DePriest

Friday, October 31, 2008

Wizard of Oz Thursday November 13 LOHS

Reservations have been made for a "Group of Happy's Happy Groupies" to attend his 3rd starring role as Toto on Thursday November 13 at 7PM at Lake Oswego High School.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sycamore in his new Digs!

We received this picture today from Sycamore's new Mom, Lisa. He has obviously been to the beauty parlor and spa and has the Candy Corn Bandana to prove it. Doesn't he look Right At Home?

The Women!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

LOHS Wizard of Oz

Rehearsals for Happys third production of The Wizard of Oz started Oct 1. The Cast is wonderful and Happy is having fun with them. Rehearsal is, at best, a hurry up and wait game so we limit his time on stage because he gets so bored. Once everyone knows where to be and they run a scene Dorothy (Jesselyn) takes him through. Yesterday I took "Mousie", Happy's favorite toy of all. Dorothy kept it in her pocket with part of it hanging out. The attention Hap paid to it was great. While he was off stage Jesselyn put the bait bag and Mousie on the corner of the stage, in Happy's plain view. Several times while he was not on stage he tried sneaking up and grabbing Mousie and a snack from the bait bag.

I feel for Dorothy, she has so much to do AND, unlike the other actors, she has Happy to deal with. She's doing a fine job and getting better all the time. The picture is (from left to right) Brandon (Scarecrow), Colin (Lion), Jesselyn (Dorothy) shown under Natalie the Wicket witch and Greg (Tin Man).

Performances are Nov 13, 15, 20, 22. @7pm... On Saturday Nov 15 and 22 there is a matinee @2pm as well as an evening show @ 7pm

Monday, October 27, 2008 Search of Ancestors!

While attending The Doggie Palooza and Wolf to Woof Exhibit at The World Forestry Center in Portland, Padme...Kinloch's Crofter's Dream at Daybreak...met many canine cousins including the interesting fellow pictured here.
I just added the group shot of the Amazon Women who wowed the Doggie Palooza...Padme, Mama Mary on Duty and Queen Grandmother, Zoe.

Sycamore has a new forever family!

Sycamore went home today with his new Mom, Lisa, and new Dad, Ken. He will be living on 5 acres outside of Estacada with them along with their kids, ages, 12 and 15, and 2 dogs, Zena and Zoe. The family has always wanted a Cairn Terrier since first meeting Chrissy. They are dear friends of Vicki's friend Karen, and come with terrific references for our Rescue Program. They fell in love with Sycamore at their first meeting and brought Zena and Zoe today to make sure all would get along. By now he should be settled in with all his toys! Of course Vicki and I shed tears when he left...but at least Vicki's remodeler can get back to work...he was spending quite a bit of time playing soccer with Sycamore.
BTW The handsome tie he is wearing was made especially for Sycamore by Barb Schuster.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Another thing hard for me to believe. I won this beautiful statue in the raffle drawing on Friday at the Award dinner. It is titled "A Family Affair". It is two adult and four puppy Cairns. It is sort of fitting since we had the litter of four this year. The picture doesn't do it justice, but it is quite beautiful. Thank you CTCA.

We went site seeing!!!

Wow! I can not believe that I finally did something not dog related on this trip! My third trip to Pennsylvania and finally found a tiny window of time for some site seeing.
It all started when I saw talked to a nice man at a travel plaza on the way back to the hotel from Earth dog. He told me about a sort of bus tour for only $5 that allows you to jump on and off all around the scenic area around the Liberty Bell. So, the four of us decided we could pack for the return trip when we got back and off we went (actually we were well on the way to being packed). Well, we found the place...thanks to Sybil (thanks again Scott and Lorin) almost beheaded ourselves pulling into a parking garage. THANK GOODNESS Vicki read the sign and remembered we had a luggage bag up top and stopped. To our dismay, the tour shuttle was only running for 20 more minutes. So, we decided we would pass on that and go see the Liberty Bell. It is a really good thing we went right away (well we stopped to get the picture with Ben Franklin) cuz the Liberty Bell was about to close too (15 minutes to spare)! It was amazing walking around seeing buildings that were standing at the time of The Revolution and Civil War. We vowed that next time we would make sure to make more time for site seeing!
Yes, there will be a next time.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Home sweet home.

We are back. Safe and sound. Our promise to blog more was not quite met, we are sorry for that. It is not easy finding access on the road...believe it or not. Now I suppose, if we were taking more time on our trip to and from, we could wander about finding coverage. We had a mission, and it was making it there and back 4 days each leg (maybe next year we should add another day hmmmm).
Moses Lake earthdog was a great success for Dena, Alex earned another Senior leg. Rachel brought up a car full of dogs (mostly Rain!) hehe. She got a Master leg on a client dog. There was a Cairn from the Spokane area who got his Junior title. His name is Scotch and he belongs to Claire. The rest of us just made our contributions to the club, as each dog didn't quite get it all put together for qualifying.
I am sure we will all be updating with pictures and stories as we find our cameras and memories during the unpacking and cleanup! Ugh. I have a car full of wet soggy, muddy tarps, car top carriers, hitch platform and carriers. Not to mention the dirty crates, crate bedding and xpen tarps and dirty clothes (best of all the puppy litter bag got wet and I have exploded puppy litter all over the place! least it wasn't used!) I should be doing laundry rather than blogging! More later.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Sycamore...the Saga continues...

Sweet foster dog Sycamore...came for 2 weeks...stayed for 2
> 1/2 being released by his owners to The Columbia
> River Cairn Terrier Club Rescue. You may remember him from
> his makeover photos.
> He is 13, gentle, loves to play ball...even brings it back
> to you!...has lost about 5 pounds since July, so is almost
> svelte...and would love to have his own home.
> We would love to keep him, but our 10 year old Princess Zoe
> has really missed her position as an only child, and we know
> that Sycamore needs his own forever home. He is going to
> stay with Jimmy High Hope's family here in Portland for
> the next week.

Friday, October 3, 2008



Alex: 4th place out of 9, Open Bitch Class

Greta: 2nd out 9, Open Bitch Class


Chloe: 2nd out of 3, 9 to 12 month Bitch Class

Jimmy: 2nd out of 2, 9 to 12 month Dog Class

Willow: 4th out of 4, 6 to 9 month Bitch Class

A good time was had by all!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sammy and Jimmy Update

Today was Rally for Sammy and Jimmy. Sammy was entered in Rally Excellent, Advanced and T-Challenge. She qualified with great scores. She got a 98 in Advanced placing third. Sammy also did some agility runs. She almost qualified in Excellent Jumper w/weaves and Novice Fast. By the last run she was pretty tuckered out. She is sleeping soundly at the foot of the bed.

Jimmy was in ahhh of all the dogs and hubbub. He sometimes listened and sometimes not plus I was a bit 'off' track - trying to do a figure 8 instead of continuing on the spiral. Trying to get his attention back he then got a bit excited and walked a fair bit of the rest on his hind legs. The judge did say that we didn't get extra points for being cute. His score was 86 and we also got a New Title ribbon.

Everyone is doing great and being good dogs. Willow got to come up to the obedience building to cheer Sammy on for her last two classes. She was a bit exuberant but thought it was pretty neat.

Willow and Chloe send their love and kisses back home. Elle is coping with the collar and leash now that she gets to hunt on her outings. Jimmy is excited to meet up with mom and dad tomorrow.

Tomorrow Sammy has another Standard Novice run. Keep good thoughts--she's not crazy about the dog walk and teter. She is also entered in Open obedience. Then we are off to Trevose for Conformation on Friday.

Laundromat or bust!

Today was the day we decided to do laundry. Lots of doggies in and out of crates, making dirty stinky crate pads....oh, and our dirty clothes too! We all loaded up at 7 am heading out to Kimberton to get Rachel there in time to check in. Then Dena and I left with 7 of the nine dogs and the GPS, now officially known as Sybil because of her split personalities. I thought I was so smart and searched for the laundromat, got all set, followed directions perfectly and we ended up at a COMMUNITY CLUB HOUSE!!!! What is with that? Okay, regroup. Do another search, start over. Sybil was NOT co operating. Okay, good old brain power....we finally bungeled around and found the cutest laundry ever! Well, we put the laundry in got everything started and walked the seven dogs we had taken. Our next assignment was to get the oil changed. No relying on the turncoat Sybil, we remembered where the oil change place was and got there with just one simple misdirection. Lucky for us, Burger King was across the street....NOT!!! Yucky, but we were starving, so got food, went to the oil change place sat on the bench out front and waited for the car. The dogs were pretty good, just sounding like they were possessed when the guy vacumned the front. Good, now all jobs completed we headed home. We THOUGHT we knew how to guessed it....we got to see some wonderful several hundred year old houses and towns and oh, farms and churches and graveyards. We tried several times to figure out how to ask Sybil for directions back, but "they" claimed there was no Kimberton (which there is, we SAW the town!) Everytime we thought maybe we should call Vicki, we would "think" we recognized something. Finally Vicki called us wondering if we had decided to head back to the west coast. She told us how to handle Sybil and we hung up, only to find we were coming up to the driveway to the Kimberton Fairgrounds. We had done it!!!
There were some qualifying runs today, but I missed them. I know that Jimmy is now an RN and Sammy was high scoring in some rally something. I will leave that to the proud handlers to blog about. We wish all our buddies were here to share the fun! Our love and prayers to Casey.