Northwest Paws Across America is the blog of a group of friends doing things with our dogs! We travel across America doing conformation, agility, earth dog, obedience and rally. Follow our adventures here!

We are Betsy Peet, Dena Wolfe, Val Perry, Vicki Havlik, Casey DePriest

Monday, November 29, 2010

Therapy Dogs International - WE DID IT!!

When Happy was so terribly ill last April/May I wrote a post "You can't leave me yet buddy, we're not done". Thank the good Lord and many wonderful people he survived and is now back to the "little Black Booger" we all know and love.

One of my goals, if he survived the mystery malady, was to share him with people struggling with health/age related issues as a therapy dog. Yesterday, in Vancouver, WA at a great little dog training/day care business Happy passed the Therapy Dog International (TDI) evaluation with flying colors, he even got some points for cute. Something he's tried for a long time to get in the Obedience and Rally rings. The business is very new and in a very small section of a strip mall. Perfect location and size to build a business the right way. We were in the main room (pretty much the only room) which was very small. there were 14 dogs of all sizes, shapes, ages and temperaments and their handlers. The first hour was quite chaotic as we were pretty much packed together. The dogs that were able to tolerate the closeness, stood next to one another at close range. Proudly I say Hap was one of those. Others that were too nervous or active were separated slightly from the crowd by a few extra feet and a desk. At first I thought it was a horrible place to do the evaluation but after a bit I saw it was perfect to see reactions of both dogs and handlers in a very stressful and close environment.

The evaluator did the CGC test first. A volunteer would hold a dog while the handler walked around a wall for the 3 minute test. While that was going on the evaluator would do the walking on loose lead, sit, down brush, etc. During our wait I put Happy through his tricks to keep him occupied. I had taken some string cheese and would discretely slip him one every once in a while just to keep his attention. By the time it was his turn to do the walk, down, sit etc he was pretty ramped up on getting fed so it was easy. First task "sit", no problem,.. now "down" :

Betsy: "happy, Down"

Happy: "oh, did you say DEAD dog?" (flop on side as if dead)

Crowd: hahahaha

Betsy: "Happy, down"

Happy: "oh, did you say Bang?" (flop as if being shot again, remain on side)


Betsy: "Hap, stand. Good dog, SPLAT!! "


Happy: "OMG, they LOVE ME!!" (drop into a down as fast as possible, glance at Mom long enough to know she sees the splat then do a "flip-roll-over)

Crowd: Applause

Betsy thinking (oh well, at least we'll pass now)

Evaluator: (laughing out loud) "he's got a great personality for a Therapy dog" Sit your dog for petting"

Betsy: "Happy,sit, pet pet " (pet pet is a command so he's prepared to be approached)

Happy: "Oh, he loves me" (sit pretty while wiggling every inch of body, lift paw to say "hi" when evaluator raises his hand to pet me)

You get the picture. He performed the rest of the night regardless whether he was "on stage" or not. He passed with flying colors, along with everyone else. But no one else did it with such "Booger Flair" :).

Once more I am humbled by His grace in allowing me to keep such a wonderful animal.

Always I thank Him for bringing friends like you into my life. Those that urge me onto success, have my back and Kick my ass when needed.

I love you all.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Candlelighters Candy Cane Lane 2010

Last year our company hosted a wonderful event just before Christmas. Dedicated to helping children fighting cancer and their families with their battle, the Candlelighters hold a "shopping" event for the parents while their children are kept busy by volunteers. Gifts of all kinds are donated and brought to our warehouse where they are "priced" and displayed. The parents, with the assistance of volunteers, pick out what they need and volunteers wrap them while they go back to the kids to enjoy the festivities.

It's a wonderful event and well worth the time and effort. I've put a link to my story from last year, I hope it worked.

Happy, Santa (aka brother Bob), Santa's hand maiden (aka sister in law Gretchen) and I will play again this year. We are looking forward to this uplifting holiday event. If you are down and out this season, find something like this to volunteer for, it will do so much for your attitude, it helped me last year so much.