Northwest Paws Across America is the blog of a group of friends doing things with our dogs! We travel across America doing conformation, agility, earth dog, obedience and rally. Follow our adventures here!

We are Betsy Peet, Dena Wolfe, Val Perry, Vicki Havlik, Casey DePriest

Monday, May 31, 2010

National Weather Svc issues flood warning for Coeur d'Alene

Vicki and I arrived yesterday afternoon. We had a nice trip, stopped a few times for us to potty, once for the dogs to potty. We stopped at a Chocolate factory outside Tri-Cities... what an evil, evil place. Delicious but evil. When we arrived it was nice. We got our ex pens set up by Val, Dena and Casey's set up. Got the shared grooming (outside) set up and had dinner with Val and Dena. Then over to Dawn's motorhome, our overnight accommodations. Dawn is a wonderful hostess and has a great motorhome. We slept well, had a nice breakfast and espresso then off to the grooming area and ring.

Up this morning to rain... big time rain. It actually started about 3am. Ring time was 11:05 after 10 Norwich Terriers, oh, wait... was there 11? After all was said in done, I l got dumped but... ya win some, you loose some. More rain, and more rain... it has seldom let up all day and when it did we would grab dogs and try to get them to potty. Life at a dog show... in the rain.

Here we sit, 8:15pm at the fairgrounds, in the pouring rain. We've had a wonderful dinner, thanks to Val, and walked dogs in between downpours... And we mean downpours!! Puddles have formed in the grass, short legged dogs beware! Do you know what 6 women stuck in motorhomes do when it's raining out, do ya?

Friday, May 28, 2010

Nolan Ryan goes Home

The first of Sammy's March 2 puppies went to his Forever Home today.
We will let you know his Forever Name when we do!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

CRCTC 2010 Raffle items by Heidi J

Heidi is so creative, we are blessed to have her as our friend! Attached are pictures of some of the special items she made & donated to our 2010 raffle in July. They are;CRCTC hat, crate pad and Terrier tugs. I'm tellin' ya, they are all wonderful and the dogs love the Tugs!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The San Juan Boys...

Welcoming the boys of the San Juan Litter!
First picture is Shaw, then Lopez, Haro, Cisco, Blakely these are at 5 days.
Hattie did a great job and is taking excellent care of them all.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


CH. Kinloch’s Capscot Isobel JE.
Bella asked that I make this minor correction.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Starting 2010 with a bang!

New JE for Bella and Otis in Woodland,California today!!!


Congratulations to "one of the family"!

Needin' an earth dog fix... I am stealing one from California. Here is a post from our dear friend, Lorin about earth dog today at Woodland. Lorin and the girls look blissfully happy...wish I could pull up a chair!

Thursday, May 6, 2010


I am amazed at the outpouring of support for Betsy and Happy. I know the dog community is extra caring. I know that our small group of friends are there for each other, we email and talk on the phone and stay up too late when we travel and work too hard setting up and tearing down and all of the other crazy things that are under the umbrella of "dog shows and performance events". I am simply astounded at how huge that circle of friends truly is.

I will never be able to show enough gratitude for all of the people who stepped up, donating to help with Happy's vet bills. I know that Betsy is over whelmed with the out pouring as well.

Today, as Betsy and I were discussing Happy's status and as it appears that he is on his way back, she said: "Now I can write all the thank you notes to everyone, I just couldn't do it when I didn't think he was going to make it."

God bless all of Happy's Angels! Thank you, thank you. You have lightened the load Betsy has to carry.

Monday, May 3, 2010


Many times in our lives we find that we must make decisions that will rip our heart from our chest and smash it on the freeway blacktop only to have it run over time and time again by others not aware of the pain it is causing. The process that we go through to make any emotionally charged decision, no matter how long we have to make it, is as gut wrenching as anything we have to endure in our lives. It is never easy, it never gets easier with each occurrence. As I get older I understand the kindness it represents. I have, in the past, assisted dear, beloved pets pass into the next world peacefully. The thoughts of those past decisions still bring tears to my eyes and forces my heart up into my throat. Still, I feel I made the correct decision. I would hope I would be allowed to pass peacefully and with dignity if I were in a condition that would render me totally and completely helpless. To face the remainder of my time on earth as a burden to those who love me is a horrible fear I have.

Pride of the patient comes into play. Most certainly a human trait and emotion but I see it in Happy when he tries to sit up to visit but is so weak he cannot hold his head up for longer than 60 seconds. That's pride. As I held him close while he shook uncontrollably from some unknown malady is heart wrenching. His eyes are sad and dull. I cannot ask him what to do nor can he tell me what is wrong. No one can tell me if he will survive, I have to trust God. I Pray, I ask others to pray for us. Asking, begging Him for mercy or peace, what ever is his plan, we pray. I know he will tell me when it is time, I fear the worst but hope for the best for Happy.

I love you Hap, if you need to go you can.. Oz and I will be fine. We will miss you horribly but we will be fine. Rest Buddy. I'll see you tomorrow no matter where you are.

Some of my Favorite things

Splashing with brother, Being a mean Earthdog,

My kitty, sleeping on my back, agility,