Northwest Paws Across America is the blog of a group of friends doing things with our dogs! We travel across America doing conformation, agility, earth dog, obedience and rally. Follow our adventures here!

We are Betsy Peet, Dena Wolfe, Val Perry, Vicki Havlik, Casey DePriest

Friday, October 8, 2010

Agility pictures

Here is the link for Montgomery agility pictures.
Kona and Mary are on Tuesday and Wednesday Novice.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Kimberton Day 2

Day two dawned with clear skies! Yipeeeeeeeee!!
Our site was still quite muddy, but we put down plastic bags covered with mats from the dollar store and it made the getting out of the space much easier. Good idea by Vicki, I must say!
The really wonderful part of the day was that we only had 6 dogs to take care of since Barb McNamee had arrived on Tuesday night. We made the very long trip from Kimberton to Bensalem to drop them off to her.
Kona qualified for JWW in the morning. Mary didn't qualify :-(
Kona qualified in Standard in the afternoon and placed first with a PERFECT run!!! Mary had a great time but didn't qualify again (another sad face).
We had to break down our little agility camp, much sadness....wishing we were doing it the full four days. We moved into the hotel where we will be spending the remainder or our time here. Happy face here! Got all organized and ready to show in conformation at Morris and Essex a show held every five years.
Check back for the next installment.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Kimberton! October 5

First of all, Happy Birthday Dena!!!

Very wet, VERY MUDDY, very FUN inspite of it all (miss you Betsy, Ryan and Heidi)
Entries: $?
Getting here: $ who knows
New rain gear: $ won't say
Experience so far: $$$$ PRICELESS

Kona Q'd and placed 2nd in Nov Jumpers with weaves in spite of the rain and mud.
Mary Q'd and placed 1st in Nov Standard with similar conditions.

Vicki groomed 5 dogs while Val worked ring crew most of the day between runs.

Dropped off three dogs to Barb tonight...tomorrow will be much easier.

Wishing we had more days to do agility!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day 2

I have been writing tHese on my iPad as we travel down the highway. Then, I email them to myself when we get to our days end.
Here is day 2:
Day 2 Brigham City to Cheyenne, Wyoming

The WIND was REALLY blowing all morning!!! It was to be a short day and we were both pretty excited about that.

We named the GPS. On a previous trip we had borrowed one and she ended up being called "Sybil" because it was totally unpredictable. That is not the name it started with, or the only name on the progression to the final moniker, it is however the only one I remember that is fit to print. This one is "Brenda" and so far has totally lived up to her name. A really stedfast hardworking little machine. A few quirks...she pops off the dashboard when she gets tired...or mad because we turn her off when we get off the freeway, but so far no crazy routes to odd places or evil voices yelling at us the she is "recalculating" our route.

As we drove up to the KOA, we passed an awesome looking feed and tack store...maybe we could do some shopping? It is Wyoming, maybe Vicki could find a Cairn Loving Cowboy! Of course that would mean she would move to Wyoming and that would be kind of sad for those of us left in the Northwest. No worries, once we had the dogs out, we didn't budge..we even ate the second half of our Subway flatbread sandwich rather than going to find dinner someplace. We spiced it up with some of the food left from the agility trial in Ridgefield....scary!

We arrived at the Cheyenne KOA and rented a Kabin (with a K) put up the xpens and settled in for a nice afternoon. All the dogs got nice long walks. The puppies all played like crazy in the pens. We set up the weave poles, Mary and Kona got to practice those a bit. There were bunnies there, so they got to practice NOT hunting while we were doing agility also. Sully kept trying to dive into the tall grass after them (the bunnies). He could do that though cuz he isn't doing agility yet!

Pennsylvania 2010

I was going to surprise everyone with blog updates and Betsy had to go and ruin it by nagging! Well, here is the first installment...Day 1 Portland to Brigham City, Utah

We go off at the time we wanted. Vicki, Val and nine dogs. Mary, Kona, Sully, Willow, Kit, Dotty, Tera, Bree and ZeZe (the last three belonging to Brab McNamee). The goal is five nights on the road this time, since there are only two drivers. KOA Kampgrounds...that is camping with a K!

We plan to do two days of agility with Mary and Kona then four days of conformation with various combinations of our other four. Barb will be taking her three when she flies in on Tuesday night. Nine is a lot of dogs! Once upon a time I thought I would enjoy being a professional handler....NOT! The culmination will be earth dog with Kona ( now an EE2) and Mary (hoping to double Q for her EE2) As well as Willow hoping to snag her Junior title.

Love, love, love the wonderful care package of muffins, sweet bread and candy Dena brought for our trip.

Loving Subway flatbread sandwiches which we cut with scissors thrown in at the last minute. Vicki and i are committed to more healthy eating this trip.

Loving and missing our travel buds Betsy and Dena.

Loving the van Barb and Larry allowed us to drive back. We both needed to get used to the handling. It has some play in the steering AND the wind was really blowing in The Gorge!

Missing the CD's we thought were in the van. Country music is the music of choice, but constant "seeking" as we travel through coverage areas gets old fast.

Brigham City Utah on Thursday night. We slept in the car. Not a plan we want to repeat if we have an option. Vicki is too long for the seat!

Watch this blog for more fun updates!

Paws Gone Missing!!

It's been 4 days and not a blog one! Where are Val and Vicki? They left Thursday for Pennsylvania, big time dog events being held there; Agility (Mary and Kona will kick butt), rally, obedience, conformation, and Earthdog... wow, what a time the will have. Instead I think we have a "Where's Waldo" scenario. Alas, they do not have their blogger with them (me), I suppose we'll have to guess what kind of antics they are up to. I did talk to them yesterday, ever so briefly, when I found a squirrel dog costume I thought would be perfect for JimJim.

Are they in Missouri, did they poison each other with Vapor bath? Have they stopped at Cabellas and are lost on the second floor in the camo gear? Did they finally let Jaz drive? Stay tuned, I'm sure we'll hear from them soon!

Val, Vicki? Where aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeee yyyyyyyyyoooooooooooou?