Northwest Paws Across America is the blog of a group of friends doing things with our dogs! We travel across America doing conformation, agility, earth dog, obedience and rally. Follow our adventures here!

We are Betsy Peet, Dena Wolfe, Val Perry, Vicki Havlik, Casey DePriest

Monday, June 29, 2009


Wow, it is hard to believe it has been a year since Hattie and Kona's puppies were born. We have been so blessed to have wonderful families that they all live with!
Ivy in the ring...Merl in his new home. Now, I just need some cute Lou and Tipsy pics!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Club Posts Pictures and Kudos to Betsy

The Cairn Terrier Club of Southern California has posted lots of fun pictures on their website. Here is the link to it...
This is the event that Betsy, Dena and I just got back from. It was great fun and I would do it again. That club knows how to throw a party! :-)

NOW...a really important acknowledgement of one very special lady...Betsy worked hard to make sure she blogged of our adventures. THANK YOU BETSY!!! YOU HAVE DONE AN AWESOME JOB!!!! (I think we'll keep you around.)

Snakes, Hats and bully, part Deux

This is Carol (sorry, this is the best shot we have) and Ruby on the table.

Heidi and Ivy (2nd pair) in the ring. Kim and her girl are in the first position

Alex on the table

Here's the classic Val and Hat snake pose

Here's Sully and the bully

Sully on the table

Oz on the table

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Day 4: Hats, Snakes and bullys

Up early; ready, set, go! Off to the show grounds at 7, stop at Carl’s Jr for “to go” breakfast and then to Starbucks for “the usual”. Heidi’s been riding with us in the morning so Sue can sleep in, her boy isn’t in Sweeps. Heidi sits on a sleeping bag in the back with me, Ivy riding in wire crate nest to her. Today I put the arm rest down so she had another “oh shit” handle.

Sweeps ring time is 9am, we had plenty of time. We decided to unload everything but the dogs then go park and walk them so they can potty on the way. As usual, the parking lot was at least 1/8 mile away from the set up/grooming. I must say tho that the grooming was just a short short walk to the ring. It was drizzling, just kind of the clouds sweating on us… EW! This kept it cool and that was OK by me. The weather man said last night it was 10 – 15 degrees cooler than normal. Yahoo! As we were unloading we heard the show wouldn’t begin until 9:30 due to a wreck and one of the highways had to close down. No worries, more time to prepare…

We put Sully and Oz up onto grooming tables. Oz needed his butt de-fuzzed. Between Val, Dena, Heidi and Nancy D it was quick and painless. There are still a few fuzzies but he looks good. Sully had some minor work to be done on the same end as Oz but was having issues staying still so Val hung a bully stick on the second grooming arm she has on her table. Sully played a game similar to the one we all played as kids at Halloween where we try to get a bite out of an apple hung from the ceiling. This worked so well that when she took him off the table she used it as bait… worked pretty darn well. The only problem, besides the obvious one of size, was that throwing it was totally out of the question.

We all waited with the other exhibitors for our turn in the ring. Val and I were both in the same class, 12-18 month boys, Heidi in 9-12 girls. We all did well, the judge for the day was very very thorough and when she was done she’d pat the dog on the back, pick it up and place it on the ground. Remember this regiment; it will be important later when Alex and Dena are in the ring. Sully took 2nd, Oz third and the dog that won yesterday took 4th. I turned to him and said “Well it just confirms it is relative”. We both smiled and nodded.

The drizzle slowly turned to sunshine as the Sweeps continued. The sun was getting a bit warm and Dennis asked Val if she needed a hat and offered her one of the Indiana Jones decoration hats to wear. We aptly adorned it with one of the many rubber snakes, just cuz we could. The theme of the specialty was “Raiders of the lost Bark” and the ring was decorated to the hilt. Friday the decorations were in the way, the ring was too small for the camel, tombs, mummies (see Friday’s story) and other items in the ring. The classes were the biggest I think I’ve ever seen and Friday the ring was way too small so today they made the ring larger, which was very nice. They did a great job decorating but I question the fake palm trees when there were so many nice real ones around us.

For the second day we made it all the way through Sweeps and the regular dog classes then broke for lunch to continue the bitches afterwards.

The sun was out full force but thankfully there was a nice cool breeze when Alex and Dena entered the ring with the same determination as the day before. We knew the judge liked her, she kept watching them. There were at least 10 bitches in the ring so they had to go around twice, the ring was still small even tho they had tried to make it bigger. They were first in the ring, that can either be good or bad but I was banking on it being a good thing. Remember the judges routine now? Go over dog head to toe, pat on the back then pick it up and set it on the ground. Well, what happened was when the judge picked up Alex to set her on the ground it kind of coincided with Dena pulling the lead over her head which consequently snagged the huge clip on the back of her head holding her hair up. A bit of an uncomfortable moment for both the judge and Dena. I’m not sure what Dena said to the judge but there was a hug and some giggles, I thought for sure she had it, the judge just tried to decapitate her. Val was on the opposite side of the ring taking pictures, I was playing bucket bitch, faithfully fetching water, handing out bait and telling Dena when to pull her skirt up in front.

Round and round they went, then the cut…. Dena was #3, then round and round then moved to #2 then at the last minute she moved her to #3 again. Very dramatic. Oh well, tomorrow’s another day.

Later on in the evening we went to the park with the doggies. They played Squirrel tag barked and ran like crazy. After that we drove to a women’s clothing establishment cuz I am SICK AND TIRED OF MY CLOTHES!! I got the cutest skirt and Dena got the deal of a lifetime in a “Lucy Jacket”. After 15 minutes of shopping we went for dinner at… Panda Express… We’ll suffer later with that.

OK, everyone is in bed now.. I’ll post pictures later. Love ya all!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Day 3: Mummy 1, Alex 0

Ring time for Sweeps was 10 am. Val’s Sully and Oz were both in 12-18 month puppy sweeps. Only 1 more pup was in the ring with us; Kari L.’s Aleck. We all trotted around the ring being very cute. Sully was great, Oz was wonderful but Kari’s boy took the prize, Sully #2 and Oz #3. Oz is a bit naked these days, someday he too will be a fur machine but right now he’s scantily clad. Between Val and I we paid for parking that day and some extra pocket change so that is great.

Ivy and Heidi did ok in 9-12 month puppy sweeps bitch class. Ivy (Croftersdream Calypsi o’Carirngorm) took second in her class.

Regular classes:

Heidi did a marvelous job and Ivy took second in her 9-12 month bitch class!! They both looked marvelous. (see pics)

The piece d’resistance was open bitches, Alex’s class, 10 bitches in this class. Alex came out swinging, she looked incredible and Dena did a kick a!@#$ job handling. The ring was very small and 10 bitches was an issue. Plus there were “obstacles in the ring… (see camel pic). Some very nice girls but Alex was in the lead the whole time, no one could touch her. FIRST PLACE!! Yeah Alex and Dena, Great job!! Now, for the winners bitch class.

Alex, again, was the best of all the girls in the ring with her. She strutted her stuff like the queen of the Nile we all know her to be. She had it, we all knew it. Even Lydia said she was doing a great job and her grooming was wonderful. We were all on top of the world until (drum roll please) Alex spotted the mummy sitting on a table just inside the ring where they stood. Alex was indignant that that ugly thing was staring at her, she was quite vocal about how she felt. She would have nothing to do with bait or mention of rats. The judge was having trouble deciding between Alex and a bred by bitch Maverston Small Town Girl so she asked them to spar. Alex wanted nothing to do with another bitch or food, nothing she just kept looking over her shoulder at the mummy. The judge made up her mind.

Sorry, gotta go to the yarn store and find running space for the doggies. Later.

We’re back in the hotel after quite an exhilarating outing. Lorin will be happy to hear that Dena needed different needles (smaller) to work on her sweater so Dena used her handy dandy cell phone to look for a yarn store. Nothing of quality was open that late but she found a Michaels.

On the way to Michaels we found the most glorious park, El Dorado park. We quickly turned into the park entrance and snaked our way to a lot fairly deep into the park grounds. There was all kind of kids of different ages playing baseball at different diamonds located around the parking lot. We found a choice parking spot and took the doggies out for a romp amidst the trees and grass. They ran and played and pee’d on every tree and interestingly different smell they could. Amazing how much pee a boy dog has when they want to mark.

Back into the car and onward to Michaels. The GPS on Dena’s magic phone told us to follow some roads through the park at a different entrance so, like good girls who always follow the rules we took the scenic route through the park. What a magical place, there are lakes with water running over the road we had to drive through, geese, ducks, cranes, Cairns, plovers, very beautiful. We drove and drove following the GPS, turn left at here, bear right there, follow this road to the right…. RIGHT!! What we found was not Michaels but the Long Beach Police Academy AND a locked chain link fence! Hmmm, now what? Well, ok we’ll go back to there and turn left instead of right, Yeah, that’s it, we just misread the directions! NOT! We ended up at the same place. Oh well, we’ll go back and take the road marked “Exit”, that should work. J

Back on the normal road again and we miraculously found Michaels, and Ben and Jerry’s, and well a huge mall. Make mental note for later, we may need to shop. The trip back to the Motel was quick and painless. Val is knitting, Dena is showering, the doggies are sleeping soundly and me, well… you know.

Oh, BOB was #102, Ch Hampton Court’s Ashley.

Upping the ante

As some of you may know, Rain has killed a few small animals these last few months. At least three wild rabbits, and two of my chickens (they were both in the dog yard when it happened, so as much as I'd like to say I don't have a chicken-killing dog, I can't really blame him for it).

Now he is earning bigger trophies. His newest kill?
A coyote.

Speaking of what I'd rather not have my dog killing.....

Rain, Tally and I were walking along in the cow pasture this afternoon when Rain suddenly spooked away from something. That something then jumped out on the path we were on and took off. I first thought, "really large, really slow rabbit." But Rain wouldn't have initially spooked from a rabbit. He gave chase, Tally just behind him. I wondered if it was a bobcat, like the one I saw a few weeks ago at Portland park with a clients dog (who, like Rain, is very predatory, and also like Rain, who initially spooked at it).

Quickly I realized that I should worry less about what it is and more about the fact that Rain was currently overtaking it. It turned back into the brush beside the path and I saw that it was a coyote. Rain also caught it in that moment, and they rolled into the bushes together, the "yipe yipe yipe!" confirming for me that it was Canis and not Lynx. Tally disappeared into the bushes behind them, my yells drowning out all the other noises.

When I got to the opening, Rain and Tally were circling a tree a few feet away. I intercepted Tally but missed Rain, who then stayed out of my reach while he looked up. I thought it seemed strange- coyotes don't climb trees (that I know of). THe cats that Rain chases on a weekly basis, however, have taught him to look up. I stepped back from him and looked around the small clearing where we were. I spotted the coyote, sneaking along the edge of the blackberry wall toward another trail out- he must have gotten away and behind a log before Rain noticed, thus Rain was sure he was up the tree.

Damn Malinois looked toward me and saw where my eyes were pointed. He looked, the coyote went from sneaking to running, and Rain was after him, Tally screaming about the unfairness of it all from my arms. They were quickly out of site and I heard more yips and yelps (all coyote, none Rain's voice), then silence. Had the coyote gotten away again, I should have heard scrambling through the brush. In moments, Rain was back at my side, panting and looking around. A lost coyote is something to be hunted for- a dead coyote is something for Rain to leave behind and head back to his pack.

I've always promised myself that I would never love a dog so much that I couldn't let it be a dog. And Rain is still fine on that account- he can still run around, and while I'll try to not let him get to coyotes, the risk of him getting hurt in that game isn't enough for me to stop letting him have a good dog life.

Tally, on the other hand. Tally is no longer allowed outside of my bedroom.

Blogging issues

Just wanted you all to know what I have to go through to get this blog done.

Alex is behind me, you can see
Sully's ear above the screen.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Great Western Migration 2009 Day 2

Day 2 – From Sacramento to Long Beach CA

Val was first to arise, as usual. She slipped out of the cabin, almost unnoticed to go take a shower while Dena and I caught up with our beauty sleep. What she neglected to do was shut off her *&!~!#$ alarm on her cell phone. So, consequently, at 6am Dena and I were up and at ‘em. Dena made it to the cell phone before I did, good thing too. Watching me climb into the upper bunk to turn it off may have led to a communication hardship for Val;

Change clothes,. Load car, potty dogs, feed dogs, take pictures of our cute little overnight resting place and off we go. We were in the car and moving at 7am. Stop at Starbucks to get our coffee and some breakfast sandwiches. In our world (VDB) “Breve” means expresso and frothed ½ & ½. Evidently in California (darned that old Arnold) it means just ½ and ½. Unfortunately the girl at the drive up window thought we were attacking her barista abilities and went on the defensive saying “I only work at the window” when Val pointed out Dena’s Breve was only milk. Good news was that all was fixed in moments with no hassle or any additional money spent.

On I5 heading south at 7:30… not bad at all. Most of the trip was pretty uneventful. A few potty stops for us and the doggies, buy me a toothbrush (the little furry jackets on my teeth are almost gone now). Dena downloaded a trivia game onto her phone and we played trivia, we ain’t as smart as we thought we was either!

On our way down the Grapevine Val sang the Wicked Witch theme song, no basket on this bicycle,. Val.

I405’s Traffic was a bit like Hwy 26 going west at rush hour, we’ve heard it’s like that all the time PLUS there are 12 lanes, 6 each way. We found our way to the Queen Mary Event Center with only a few U-Turns that Val is getting so good at. I must say.. California drivers are a bit… CRAZED!! I’m amazed there are still people alive down here.

Carol and Curt A. (Ruby’s Mom & Dad) had gone to the Cairn grooming area and staked out a very nice section for us so we didn’t have to pee on any poles or anything. We unloaded the car and set everything up. We are right next to the water, a nice breeze blowing keeps it cool. We groomed for a while then headed to our hotel, The Guest House”.

Our room is sufficient and all we really need. We were all starving and since the dogs had eaten we felt it was our turn. We walked to the restaurant next to the motel, Green Field Churrascaria. We knew it would be spendy but we’d worked hard and hadn’t really spent a lot on food. Green Field calls itself a Brazilian BBQ (that is what churrascaria means). It claims it is a tradition for more than 300 years in a region in southern Brazil. The foyer is wonderful, there is a ceiling to floor endless water fountain that had to be 12 feet wide, very serene. It is a buffet with many wonderful salads (pasta, grain, sauteed collard greens (great taste), Greek salad, calamari, steamed shrimp ala carte, caprese, and many more. Another buffet table had many different side dishes like rice, mashed potatoes, friend yucca (very tasty, like potatoes), steamed fish etc. They also had fried bananas. There was some soups too, one that Dena said was very tasty. On your table was a small wooden peg about 2” in diameter and about 5” long. One end was green, opposite end was red and the middle was yellow. It is set on your table by the waiter with the red end up. Once you get your side dishes you return to your table. When you are ready for the meat portion of your meal you flip the peg over to the green end and waiter come with huge skewers of meat; Rib Eye, pork loin, chicken, tri tip beef, lamb (I was excited about this one but wasn’t overly impressed), sausage (Dena said it was good), sirloin beef (very very good). They offer various game meat when it is available. The skewers are probably 3’ long, one of them looked like a machete. The waiter slices off what you ask for and you catch it with tongs and put it on a plate. Very interactive. It was spendy, you’d have to have a huge appetite to get your money’s worth but I’d eat there again if I had the money. Aaron and DJ would LOVE it!

Back at the hotel room to walk the doggies. We ran into some people from Hawaii with special dog. Lisa and Paul are very nice. We also chatted with Heidi J., with Ivy (Val’s grand dogirl). Time for blogging, showering, ironing and getting settled in our room. The pictures won’t download properly, Betsy’s inability to tell the difference between a video and still shot. I’ll work on it cuz I want you all to see our cabin in Sacramento Thursday morning.

More later, wish us good luck.

Finally, Food!!!

Mary's girls are growing up...6 1/2 weeks...and are now gobbling gourmet cusine...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Great Western Migration 2009, Day 1

Tuesday night I got out of work late. My intent was to leave early, about 3, and get to Vicki’s before Val and Dena. Val, coming from Kirkland, WA, was “swinging by The Dalles” (not exactly on her way) to pick up Dena. Somewhere between The Dales and Portland Val discovered she forgot her “show” clothes. Once they got to SE Portland they stopped at Goodwill and found some great buys in show clothes for Val and other items for Dena. I met them at Vicki’s at about 9pm. Luckily, Ryan had stuck around and was able spent some time chatting with us. We really loved catching up with him and giggling until late.

We finally got to bed after 11, falling asleep was not in the agenda quite yet tho. Val and Dena got the giggles over putting me “in the cave” at the KOA in Sacramento, our first overnight stop on the way down. I’m not sure what they were plotting but evidently it was pretty funny… They can’t scare me, I know how to make them laugh until Val pees and Dena toots. Time will tell how I survive “the cave”…. I’m not afraid… I’m NOT afraid.

Wednesday morning we’re on the road at 8am, a bit later than our target of 7 but… oh well. Alex, Sully, Oz and Happy. No Competition for Happy, he’s just along for the ride. Wow, only 4 dogs, we must be on vacation! First stop was the Java Jazz… One sip and Dena and I knew it wasn’t good coffee Karma… ours was burnt. I couldn’t drink it. On we go down 205 South to I5 South.

Our first stop should be JC Penny’s in Eugene to pick up some panty hose and shoes for Val. They both remembered seeing Penny’s on the side of I5 there… yeah right girls.. After wandering around the mall parking lot for 5 minutes or so Dena finally called McKenzie to find out where JCP was… Unfortunately, there is no JCP at that mall. We are fortunate McKenzie is always at our beckon call, we’d never find our way. Off to Roseburg we go, yo ho yo ho!

JCP in Roseburg was right off the freeway, just like McKenzie said. Not a huge store but nice. We all found something to buy, how can anyone pass up a sale? We all have new thigh high stockings (there’s a picture for you boys, me in thigh highs) and a few other odds and ends. But wait, there’s more!! Just a few doors down from Penny’s was a Ross Dress for Less!! We must go see it they have shoes! Again, we all walk out of the store with precious bargains. One more stop at Dutch Brothers to wash the icky burnt coffee taste away and on the road again.

Driving down the road you have to keep the driver (Val been our sole chauffer so far). Chatting about dogs, kids, dogs, friends, dogs, knitting, dogs… you get the picture. Dena brought her knitting, she likes to honor our Knitting Evangelist, Lorin, every time she can. If only my camera worked… Dena in the passenger seat, knitting in hand, plastic-clad knitting pattern tucked in the glove box before her so she can read and knit without moving her hands to pick up anything. Oh wait, what about the Key for the abbreviations? Oh, Dena, you are so resourceful!! Crossing her legs so her foot is next to the door she stuck the legend page between her toes, How ingenius is that!?!

Next stop is rest stop to potty dogs… They had a snort walk, pee and then were ready to go again.. It was a bit hot and not real fun to play.. no grass, just weeds.
Next stop was the Olive Pit in Corning. What a wonderful shop. Olive stuffed with everything; Garlic, pimento, Jalepeno, Almonds. They have any type of olive oil and some other types of yummy cooking oils. Candy, nuts jams… YUMMMMMMMY!! I purchased items for my daughters and checked out.

On our way out the door we ran into Nancy Delyea and her mom. They, along with Carol W. were heading to Great western with 6 dogs. They are going all the way to Stockton, we’re stopping at the KOA in west Sacramento. We wish each other a safe trip and on the road we go!

In Sacramento we got to the KOA about 8. We had stopped for Subway sandwiches and when we got to the cabin we had rented for the night we were very excited to have a picnic at our riverside picnic table. Our adorable little cabin was right on the Sacramento River. Complete with paddle boats, dock and barking bull frogs. What a beautiful relaxing place.

It’s 11:10 and Val and Dena just finished doing their toe nails. We have pictures, I’ll try to post.

Later all you home bound people. More adventures of VDB (Val, Dena, Betsy) later!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Back at Home

I like Val's title for the Blog...see comments about the German Dog Show...I can just picture you all hitting every dog show on the planet while I stay home with the wild children.
Since Vicki has left, Spirit has climbed, a la Elle, out of the X pen, and now Daphne...Mary's most demonstrative daughter, has climbed out of the whelping box several times...the latest being at 5:30 this morning, which wasn't quite as exciting as the 2 AM escape, which she announced with piercing yips...she has inherited her Grandma Zoe's shrill tones, and her Uncle Matthew Bubba's demanding nature.
Nanny is a tad tired...hence no photos this time. Thankfully Sharon has been a tremendous back-up and Jill is coming over Saturday so we can go the The Canine Experience Day with Betsy.

June 12, 2009 7:23 AM

06-10 & 11

I woke up to wine-lots of wine-gross wine. And then to see this --> when I got to the keller after entering the dark long hall.
So I put on my mask and gloves and started wiping and logging. Unfortunatly, I am learning more and more about wine. Just as we were finishing up the packers came. Wow-they were fast.
I vegged out while they went to work. We then were off to dinner. What a cute place and wonderful food. I thought our conversations were bad. These were all teachers and you must ask me about the paper the little boy wrote whose parents are both RNs. After everyone ate and had about three glasses of wine they started grading papers.

The 11th was the dog show (see below) and then down to the Sekt Festival. It was not so busy but great food. It is amazing that they give out real glass and real silverware. It is a family affair and no 'gardens' as we have. Walking and drinking.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

German Dog Show

It was quite a blustery day. The dark black rain clouds were on both sides but only the wind came down our path. It was a beautiful setting and Annette said that she had seen many foxes that morning when she walked the dogs.
My sister took me and dropped me off. She was quite worried about me and walked to the show area. My only concern was where the bathrooms were :) As I saw Cairns I actually introduced myself to them. Crazy I know.
The people were very nice - as I figured most Cairn folk are. Talking to me before hand and while they groomed.No one seemed nervous but here it is so much more layed back. They popped in and out of the ring either through the gate or under the tape from different sides. I really need to learn to be more relaxed and not uptight.
The classes were different Veteranenklasse (Veteran), Jugendklasse (9-18mth=puppy), Zwischenklasse (15-24mth), Championklasse (already Ch), and Offene Klasse (open). You have to be at least 15 months to earn a certificate (needing 4, one of which is from a different country) and then between the first and last certificate must be 1 year and one day. So, the youngest a dog could earn a CH would be 27 months old which I think is great idea.
BOB went to Eragon of Lucky Goblins. His sire is here in the states for a year for breeding and showing with Carol Brinkman and Janet Brady.

Annette then brought "Eric" Ch Caladonian Davidson of Wolfpit for everyone to look at. He was not spooked or bothered by anything and of course loved everyone. It is so amazing how adaptable a Cairn truly is. The day before, Annette picked him up from the airport after flying in cargo from the East coast. And then to a dog show with people speaking German. Annette is so good with him and all her dogs. She does Agility and Obedience. Boy-the stuff they have to do for the classes in OB. YIKERS. I don't feel so accomplished now. She was so gracious. She gave me a 2009 German yearbook :) and bought me lunch. Bratwurst and pork steaks, lots of deserts and open faced sandwiches. I love this place. We went back to her motorhome. She got it about two months ago and I got to see the rest of the dogs. We then went and watched the groups. First puppy, then local breeders, long legged terriers, short legged terriers (Cairns) and then BIS. There is no placement in the groups-only the winner. A very nice Westie was BIS. After BIS they then give out the critiques to all the dogs. We then took the dogs for the last walk - no foxes but lots of poop to roll in. She let the dogs off except "Eric" and they ran, played and hunted.
Annette had about a four hour drive home and I didn't want her to wait for me but she insisted. It worked out that she had to go through Darmstadt so she gave me a ride. She definitely would fit in with the Paws group. She is holding Mikel (sp) short for mosquito and I believe I have Paris. It was a long day but a great one.
.........of course then into the night to the Sekt Festival....

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Day 1 06-08-09

I thought I had found or bought most everything camo. But here in Germany they have camo trees. I LOVE THIS PLACE!
My sister picked me up from the airport and I joked about bringing masks - just in case. Sounds like we will need them as there was a sewage problem in the kellar. About 100 of their 600 bottles of wine - yes I said 600 bottles - need to be cleaned before they get packed. My debt to my sister and Duane is getting smaller. :)

These are pictures of the 'villa.' The ceilings are about 20 feet high and windows everywhere. Chris and Duane are at work and I got to sleep in. The bed is a hair better than mine at home. Cindi writes that she is going to sleep on the couch from now on -- sorry Cindi. We are on the second story and I think it is twice as big as my house. You can either swear at "Theo" or thank him for keeping me in the states.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

New Canadian Senior Earthdog title!

Stiller (Ch.Kinloch's For What It's Worth RN, ME) earned his Senior Earthdog title in Canada this weekend. Greg took Stiller and Kona(Am/Ca/Int Ch.Cairngorm Coffee Tea or Me RA,ME,CaSE) up to Aldergrove for the Sea to Sound Earthdog Club tests last weekend. Kona earned the first leg of his Master title.
Kona and Stiller are the only two Cairns to hold both and AKC and CKC Senior titles. Greg hopes Kona will be the first to hold and AKC and CKC Masters title!

....and she is on her way!

We are going to miss our friend. She won't be at Great Western...a trip with us and showing her dogs for...a trip to Europe to see her sister? Weird, huh?
We are sure hoping that she has the best time ever (hard to believe she can have a good time without us, but....)
She has assured me that she is going to try to go to a dog show next weekend and meet a Cairn breeder while she is gone. We are looking forward to hearing all about her adventures..even IF they are without us!

Dog with a job

It is a common phrase..."my dog needs a job..." someone just shared this article on one of the groups I belong to. >

It is about a Cairn with a job saving endangered turtles in Texas! Really a fun article.